LCD Screens. Zero Pixel Warranties....

  • Thread starter Running Through The Fores
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"Ob1" <> wrote in message
I was under the impression that LCD monitors slowly drop pixels over
their lifetime until there are so many that you don't want to use it
anymore and you go buy a new one. I have a 19" Mitsubishi CRT at home,
works great, I use a 22" Dell LCD at work and I prefer the CRT, better
picture. I know all the hype about LCD and how cool they are but in my
opinion the quality just is not there yet. The LCD I use at work started
dropping pixels after about 8 days, has about 10 now (6months later). I
used to live in Adelaide so I know what you are up against. If I recall
correctly Mitsubishi's have 3 years warranty. If you are concerned find
out where the nearest repair centre's are and go in and ask them
questions about which monitors stuff up the most and which one's have
the least fuss warranty. If you find that you can buy from anywhere and
take for repairs to a local repair centre if the unfortunate happens
then you are on a good thing.
If you have good eye sight, it might not be a big deal.
For me(and those with glasses) it is a big deal, using an lcd has completely
got rid of eyestrain, and if I need to can sit in front of the monitor for
more than eight hours without
headaches or other problems.

Quality ? Don't know I've only ever used Samsung.

I've been using lcds at home for three years and wouldn't go back.
They are also great if you don't have much space.

The Samsung 171MP I've used for nearly three years hasn't got a
single dead pixel yet.
The Samsung 171s I have also doesn't have any dead pixels but the screen
doesn't give as good contrast or brightness as the 171MP.

Alex Gibson wrote:
Quality ? Don't know I've only ever used Samsung.
I'm looking at a pair of Samsung 172N's, of forty we bought
recently. They came with a one-week zero-dead (sub-)pixel
warrantee, after that, you need a cluster of dead pixels.
We sent back more than a quarter of the screens after careful
testing. They're too new to know about long-term problems,
but in any case, I doubt that the warrantee came from our
supplier, it must be a vendor warrantee.
Here is a copy of the pixel policy for BenQ and judge by this how similar companies
may take complaints

From the BenQ web site
BenQ Australia

LCD Monitors: LCD Defect Policy
Due to the cost of producing LCD panels, panel manufacturers
have set limits as to how many defective dots (or sub-pixels)
are deemed to be acceptable for a standard LCD panel. The goal
in setting such limits is to maintain a reasonable price of the
panel while minimizing distraction from defective dots.

What is a Bright and or a Dark Dot?
A pixel (picture element) consists of one red and one green and
one blue dot or sub pixel. A standard 15" LCD panel with a resolution
of 1024 x 768 pixels has a total of 786,432 pixels or 2,359,296 dots.
17", 18.i" or 19" LCD panels have almost 4 million dots, while a
20.1" LCD has more than 5.5 million dots.

Each dot is driven by an individual transistor. If a transistor becomes
defective, the corresponding dot may be permanently lit (a bright dot)
or may not light (a dark dot). For a manufacturer to guarantee that all
LCD panels are totally defect free would lead to a much higher cost of

Defective Pixel Specifications

1. Total Defective Dots
The specifications for the number of defects that are deemed to be
acceptable for each size of LCD panel are:

LCD Panel Size Maximum Number of Maximum Number Total Dots
Bright Dots Dark Dots (Maximum)
15"/38.1 cm 2 3 5
17"/43.2cm 3 4 7
18.1"/46cm 4 4 9
19"/48.3cm 4 5 9
20.1"/51.lcm 5 5 10

2. No Bright Dots in the Central Area of the LCD Panel.
The central third (1/3) bright dots area of the BenQ LCD panel is
as illustrated below, taking up one of the height and width of the
panel (one ninth of the area). No may occur in this area. * Please
note that the FP767 ver2 white/red and the FP791 have a no bright
dot policy for the 1st

| | | |
| | | |
| 1/9 | 1/9 | 1/9 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | No Bright | |
| 1/9 | In This | 1/9 |
| | Area | |
| | | |
| | | |
| 1/9 | 1/9 | 1/9 |
| | | |

* Please note that the FP767 ver2 white/red and the FP791 have a
no bright dot policy for the 1st year*

LCD Monitor Pixel Spec. Revision 3, 12’~ March. 2004

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