This is likely not a big deal to most, but it hurts me a lot. I have
one product in production and it uses an XP device. They are only
giving until November to get your last time buy orders in. I think
Lattice is doing a disservice to themselves as well as the rest of us.
I am very accustomed to extended longevity in FPGAs. This act on the
part of Lattice puts them in a separate camp I think.
I have been looking at the alternatives. The three distinguishing
issues are package, capacity and the need for external configuration
memory. The XP I was using is in a 100 pin QFP which is perfect for the
board, easy to assemble and works with 6/6 design rules and 12 mil hole
diameter. It has 3000 LUTs which are around 80% used and the internal
configuration Flash saves space on the tiny, cramped board.
Mostly the alternatives are other Lattice devices, but none are a
perfect fit. XP2, XO2 and the iCE40 line. The ones that come in the
same package don't have as many LUTs, only 2100 which would require
using a soft CPU to implement the slow functions in fewer LUTs. The
larger parts are in harder to use packages like 0.5 mm BGAs which need
very fine pitch design rules and small drills.
The Xilinx parts are interesting. Spartan 3 devices come in 100 QFPs
and have enough of the "right stuff" inside including multipliers which
I can use. But that external flash needs a spot on the board and I have
to use a 1.2 volt regulator for the core. The XP parts use an internal
regulator and run from 3.3 volts only. Xilinx has a rep for keeping
parts in production for a long, long time, but the S3 line came out in
2005, same as the XP line. Spartan 6 parts give a *lot* more
functionality, but I'd have to use a 256 pin 1.0 mm BGA *and* external
flash *and* the 1.2 volt supply *and* they are twice the price. Maybe
I'll talk to the disties. Maybe they can do something about the price
at least.
I have yet to check out the Altera line. I don't remember them having
anything I liked in a nice package. But that will be something to do
later today. I guess I should check out the Micro-Semi line as well.
It's been a while since I looked hard at their parts and, oh yeah, there
is the PSOC from Cypress. I don't think that was an option at the time
I did this design.
An interesting note is that the Spartan 3 parts came out the same year
as the XP line. Xilinx still sells multiple generations of parts older
than the Spartan 3, so I think it will be a while before they can get
around to obsoleting that line.
one product in production and it uses an XP device. They are only
giving until November to get your last time buy orders in. I think
Lattice is doing a disservice to themselves as well as the rest of us.
I am very accustomed to extended longevity in FPGAs. This act on the
part of Lattice puts them in a separate camp I think.
I have been looking at the alternatives. The three distinguishing
issues are package, capacity and the need for external configuration
memory. The XP I was using is in a 100 pin QFP which is perfect for the
board, easy to assemble and works with 6/6 design rules and 12 mil hole
diameter. It has 3000 LUTs which are around 80% used and the internal
configuration Flash saves space on the tiny, cramped board.
Mostly the alternatives are other Lattice devices, but none are a
perfect fit. XP2, XO2 and the iCE40 line. The ones that come in the
same package don't have as many LUTs, only 2100 which would require
using a soft CPU to implement the slow functions in fewer LUTs. The
larger parts are in harder to use packages like 0.5 mm BGAs which need
very fine pitch design rules and small drills.
The Xilinx parts are interesting. Spartan 3 devices come in 100 QFPs
and have enough of the "right stuff" inside including multipliers which
I can use. But that external flash needs a spot on the board and I have
to use a 1.2 volt regulator for the core. The XP parts use an internal
regulator and run from 3.3 volts only. Xilinx has a rep for keeping
parts in production for a long, long time, but the S3 line came out in
2005, same as the XP line. Spartan 6 parts give a *lot* more
functionality, but I'd have to use a 256 pin 1.0 mm BGA *and* external
flash *and* the 1.2 volt supply *and* they are twice the price. Maybe
I'll talk to the disties. Maybe they can do something about the price
at least.
I have yet to check out the Altera line. I don't remember them having
anything I liked in a nice package. But that will be something to do
later today. I guess I should check out the Micro-Semi line as well.
It's been a while since I looked hard at their parts and, oh yeah, there
is the PSOC from Cypress. I don't think that was an option at the time
I did this design.
An interesting note is that the Spartan 3 parts came out the same year
as the XP line. Xilinx still sells multiple generations of parts older
than the Spartan 3, so I think it will be a while before they can get
around to obsoleting that line.