Lat/Long co-ords

David Segall wrote:
"David L. Jones" <> wrote:

David Segall wrote:
"Mitch" <> wrote:


Sending a blank SMS to 1715678 used to give you the Lat/Long co-ords of
the nearest mobile tower, although I've heard the service is
experimental and keeps changing.


It does not currently work. I am with Telstra and get an SMS reply
saying that it is an experimental service and not accessible but if I
am in trouble I should ring 000.

012 is better than 000 on a mobile!
I don't see why 112 is "better" than 000 since they both result in the
same destination unless you mean that it is better to train yourself
to use 112 because it is universal. In any case, I was quoting from
Telstra's SMS.
As others have said, 112 is better because it works with any network
coverage and if the phone is locked or doesn't have a SIM card.
Sure they end up with the same destination, but 112 may be able to get
you through when 000 won't. You could for instance waste precious
seconds trying 000 with marginal coverage.
They should certainly promote it more.

Dave :)

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