-- Lasers : Killers Cause Lower Intestinal Bleeding Again
-- It takes only seconds to cause bleeding injuries
The killers operating lasers and beacons in all
the houses around, vehicles parked nearby and
driving by - hit and run - as well as sources in the
sky, are injuring causing deadly harm while I sleep.
It will take several days for such bleeding to heal.
It is caused by a 1/2 cm to 1 cm wide beacon or laser
burning the lower intestinal inner soft lining and also
drying up the stool.This would tear the intestinal
lining causing bleeding the next time you visit the
bathroom. The last two days, as before, the cars and
trucks and gardeners have been arriving in Los Esteros
(nearby complex) as well as in our complex and on the
road nearby and injuring and electrocuting me. The
activity is also remote controlled with a network of
beacons interconnecting all the homes around my house
and Los Esteros and fire sprinkler system and possibly
the County Education Building and sources in the sky
and buildings in the City Centre such as County Jail,
Mental (Psychiatry) Hospital Lockup system, etc.
This secret injuring and killing system of lasers and
beacons is operated 24 hours of the day by the
secret parallel government that is operating outside
all existing city, state, country laws and regulations
and the US Constitution. Church groups and criminals
are the prime operators of this system. Killers.
It takes only seconds to cause an intestinal injury
and bleeding with these lasers.
Just think about the kind of twisted animals that
wopuld do such things in cold blood - injuring
people who have done no harm to these killers or
anyone else ! While sleeping !
-- It takes only seconds to cause bleeding injuries
The killers operating lasers and beacons in all
the houses around, vehicles parked nearby and
driving by - hit and run - as well as sources in the
sky, are injuring causing deadly harm while I sleep.
It will take several days for such bleeding to heal.
It is caused by a 1/2 cm to 1 cm wide beacon or laser
burning the lower intestinal inner soft lining and also
drying up the stool.This would tear the intestinal
lining causing bleeding the next time you visit the
bathroom. The last two days, as before, the cars and
trucks and gardeners have been arriving in Los Esteros
(nearby complex) as well as in our complex and on the
road nearby and injuring and electrocuting me. The
activity is also remote controlled with a network of
beacons interconnecting all the homes around my house
and Los Esteros and fire sprinkler system and possibly
the County Education Building and sources in the sky
and buildings in the City Centre such as County Jail,
Mental (Psychiatry) Hospital Lockup system, etc.
This secret injuring and killing system of lasers and
beacons is operated 24 hours of the day by the
secret parallel government that is operating outside
all existing city, state, country laws and regulations
and the US Constitution. Church groups and criminals
are the prime operators of this system. Killers.
It takes only seconds to cause an intestinal injury
and bleeding with these lasers.
Just think about the kind of twisted animals that
wopuld do such things in cold blood - injuring
people who have done no harm to these killers or
anyone else ! While sleeping !