Largest ammount of test equipment for sale in aus.

  • Thread starter daniel - macservice
  • Start date
chill mate

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21:13:19 +1000, none <> wrote:


I get a bit tired of the spam from you lot in this news group. Why don't you
post your ads in alt.bottomfeeders? Next time a note goes off to spamcop.


daniel - macservice wrote:

See here for our ebay store..... (nice pretty pics)

Or here for our reburbished list... (no pics just a list)

Here is our current specials list..., all prices are in Australian dollars,
and do not include GST or freight.
Unless otherwise stated all the equipment is in good physical and
operational condition and does not include manuals or probes, I do not have
pictures of these yet, if you require a picture please do not hesitate to
ask, my email adress is:


Tektronix 485 Oscilloscope
with Instruction manual AND Service manual

The 485 Dual Trace Oscilloscope provides both versatility and reliability in
a convenient, easy-to-use package. You'll have plenty of power; bandwidth is
rated at 350MHz and vertical sensitivity to 5 mV/div! Selectable input
impedance of 1 Mohm and 50-ohms. Also available are horizontal sweep rates
to 1ns/division. Automatic deflection factor readout, 3 div/ns writing speed
plus many more features. @ $750.00

Tektronix 465 Oscilloscope

The 465 Dual Trace Portable Oscilloscope, 100 MHz bandwith. It has trigger
view and automatic V/div readout (when used with readout style probes).
Provides 5 mV/div and as fast as 5 nS/div (sweep speed). The vertical
deflection is DC to 100 MHz, that's a sharp rise time of 3.5 ns. The sweep
speeds are 0.05 ľs (50 ns) to 0.5 s/div in 22 steps for channel 'A.' Channel
'B' is 0.05 ľs to 50 ms/div (19 steps). The Deflection Factors are 5 mV to 5
V/div in 10 calibrated steps. Display Modes: CH 1; CH 2 (normal and
inverted); Alternate; Chopped (250 kHz rate); X-Y (selected by time/div
knob, CH 1=X, and CH 2=Y). The Input Resistance and Capacitance are 1 M Ohms
within 2%, paralleled by approximately 20 pF. @ $450

Tektronix 468 Analog / Digital Storage Oscilloscope

The 468 Digital storage oscilloscope has a 100 MHz non-storage bandwidth and
a 10 MHz digital storage bandwidth. It has 2 Channelsl, 5mV to 5 Volts per
division,Cursors for time and voltage. 0.02 uS to 5 Seconds per division
sweep rate X-Y mode, Z axis input Output attenuator, 50 ohm, DC offset. 2
available @ 550.00

Tektronix 466 Storage Oscilloscope.

The 466 Dual Trace Storage Oscilloscope is designed to display
non-repetitive or slow moving signals. A portable unit with DC to 100MHz
response. Features two modes of storage: Variable Persistence and Fast
Transfer. Stored writing speed of 110 div/ľsec. Deflection factor from 5 mV
/div to 5 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence. Sweep rate of 5 nsec/div with X10
magnifier. Weighs 26 lbs. CRT mesh filter installed to minimize CRT
faceplate radiation. Four signal-output BNC connectors on the rear chamber
changes to a type that improves shielding of the connected signal leads. The
unit offers reduced scan mode in which the stored writing speed is 3000
div/ľs. @ 550.00

BWD 826 Oscilloscope

The BWD 826 has 50Mhz bandwith, 2 channels, a very simple layout and is very
easy to use, fantastic for a beginner. @ $300

Philips PM3266 Storage Oscilloscope.

The Philips PM3266, two channel, storage oscilloscope has a bandwith of
100Mhz, a delayed time base, and storage ability. @ $500

Hewlett-Packard 180a Oscilloscope System

This HP 180a system has a 50Mhz, two channel plugin (1801A), and a 1821A
timebase, it is a bench top model, good for beginners. @ $200

Hewlett-Packard 181a 2ch Oscilloscope System

This HP 181A system is a Storage 50Mhz, two channel plugin (1801A), and a
1821F Delayed Timebase, good starting system for someone who needs storage
aswell. @$250.00

Hewlett-Packard 181a 4ch Oscilloscope System

This HP 181A system is a Storage 50Mhz, four channel plugin (1804A), and a
1825a Delayed Timebase, good starting system for someone who needs four
channels and storage. @$300.00

Kikusui 7201A Digital Storage Oscillscope.

The Kikusui 7201A is a four channel, 200Mhz bandwith, digital storage
oscilloscope, it is easy to use and offers many advanced features. @ $1200

Tektronix 7613 System

This 7613 system is setup with two 7A18 2 channel vertical amplifiers (makes
it 4 channels) and a 7B53a Time base. The 7A18 modules have a bandwith of
100Mhz. @ $600.00

Hewlett-Packard 1652B Logic Analyzer with 5 pods and clips.

The HP 1652B Logic Analyzer is a general-purpose logic analyzer with a
built-in digitizing oscilloscope. It has 80 data channels and 35 Mhz state
analysis. Timing analysis is available for signals with frequencies up to
100 MHz. Timing: 100 MHz all 80 channels, State: 35 MHz all 80 channels, Two
400 MSa/s digitizing oscilloscope channels with 100 MHz bandwidth, Automatic
pulse parameter measurements,Time-correlated state, timing, and oscilloscope
displays, Glitch capture: 80 channels,Supports most 8-, 16-, and 32-bit
microprocessors, buses.
A comprehensive users guide for this instrument has been published here,

@ $1200

Signal test equipment.

Wavetek 2001 Sweep generator.

The 2001 Sweep/Signal Generator offers programming, versatility and an
exceptionally wide frequency range of 1 to 1400MHz in three bands, can be
used in three modes of operation; Start-Stop, Delta F or CW. Swept from end
to end or up or down at any rate from 50 sweeps/s or 1 sweep every 100
seconds. Manual, triggered or recurring sweeps and the sweep frequency,
width and output attenuation may be controlled by external voltages. RF
output amplitude from +10 to -80 dBm in 10 dB steps and a 20 dB variable.
Marker type is a birdy by-pass with provisions for six plug-in marker
modules plus an external marker input (optional). The Wavetek
2001.versatility, quality, and ease-of-use! 3 available @ $750 each

AWA G232 Low Distortion Oscillator

The G232 is a 10Hz to 110kHz is an ultra low distortion oscillator, can be
used in conjunction with the AWA F242 noise and distortion meter (available
speratly if required) for performance testing high quality audio amplifiers
and systems. @ $400

Hewlett-Packard 3312A Function Generator

The 3312A Function Generator is an effective, low cost solution for
generating a multitude of functions. It combines two separate, independent
function generators with a modulator section in one compact instrument.
Frequency range is 0.1Hz to 13MHz in 8 decades ranges. Dial accuracy: ą5% of
full scale Aberrations: <10% Impedance: 50-ohms ą10 @ $350.00

HP 204C Oscillator

The 204C Oscillator is a small, lightweight capacitive-tuned oscillator. AC
line or rechargeable battery operation makes this instrument ideal for both
field and laboratory use. The 204C provides frequency from 5Hz to 1.2MHz in
6 overlapping ranges with a flatness of ą0.5% (from 100Hz to 300kHz).
Delivers an output voltage of >2.5 V rms (10 mW or +10 dBm) into 600-ohms.
The unit includes Sync Output: >100 mV rms into <100 pF over entire range. 3
available @ $100 each

HP 204D Low distortion Oscillator

The 204D Audio Oscillator is a small, lightweight capacitive-tuned
oscillator which is both versatile and easy-to-use. The unit covers the
frequency range of 5Hz to 1.2MHz in six overlapping ranges with a dial
accuracy of ą3% of setting. Distortion is rated at 0.1% from 30Hz to 100kHz,
1% from 100kHz to 1.2MHz. Output voltage of >2.5 V rms (10 mW or +10 dBm)
into 600 ohms; >5 V rms open circuit. The 204D is identical to the 204C
except the output attenuator has a range of 80 dB in 10 dB steps, overall
accuracy of ą0.3 dB (+10 to -60 dB ranges); ą0.5 dB on -70 dB range.
Excellent flatness, low distortion, @ $130

HP 209A Low distortion oscillator

The 209A Oscillator is a small, lightweight, sine/square oscillator. Stable,
accurate signals which can be synchronized with an external source are
instantly available over a frequency range from 4Hz to 2MHz. Separate
adjustable sine/square outputs are located on the front-panel. Distortion
and flatness can be minimized at low frequencies by a rear-panel Low
Distortion Mode switch. Sine wave output of 5 V (600-ohms); square wave
output of 20 V (p-p) into 600-ohms @$130.00

HP 211B Square Wave Generator.

Two simultaneous outputs from 1 Hz to 10 MHz from 50 ohm and 600 ohm sources

HP 230B Power Amplifier.

The HP 230B amplifier offers a convenient way of obtaining high level RF
from the output of conventional signal generators. When used in 50-ohm
systems, it is capable of producing up to 4.5 Watts output in the 10Mhz to
500Mhz frequency range and will reproduce AM, FM, Pulse or CW modulation
within its bandwidth capabilities. @ $300, comes with a copy of the
operations and service manual.


HP 410C Voltmeter.

The 410C is a versatile general purpose instrument for use anywhere
electrical measurements are made. This one instrument measures DC voltage
from 15 mV to 1500 V (ą2%), direct current from 1.5 ľA to 150 mA (ą3%), and
resistance from 0.2 ohm to 500 Mohms. Includes the 11036A detachable AC
probe to measure AC voltages at 20Hz to 700MHz from 50 mV to 300 V @$200

HP 3455A 6 ˝ digit laboratory multimeter.

The 3455A Digital Voltmeter is a microprocessor controlled, 5 1/2 or 6
1/2-digit voltmeter for bench or systems applications. The standard
instrument measures DC volts (0.1 to 1000 V range with up to 1 ľV
sensitivity in five ranges), AC volts (1 to 1000 V range in four ranges)
(ACV or FAST ACV), and resistance (2 W or 4 W: 0.1 kohm to 10 Mohms in six
ranges). HP-IB controllability is standard. The standard True RMS converter
gives AC measurements from 30Hz to 1MHz and the math function provide
computational capability. The scale mode allows the user to offset, take
ratios, or scale readings to give readouts in physical units. The auto-cal
feature checks the DC volts and ohms operating circuits against internal
references and corrects them digitally. @ $700

HP 3403C True RMS Voltmeter

The 3403C True RMS Digital Voltmeter measures noise, multiplexed signals,
modulated waves and signals with high harmonic content. Full range display
of 10 mV (AC only), 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, and 1000 V. Functions include
DC, AC, and AC + DC, 3 1/2-digit display. Frequency response from DC to
100MHz. Response times of 1 sec and 10 sec. @ $250

Power Supplies

HP 6271A DC Power supply, Rackmount, 0-60V, 0-3A @ $350

King Instruments 1353B Dual Tracking Power Supply.

The 1353B is a benchtop dc power supply, 0-30V and 0-3A per side, and dual
tracking. @ $180

Topward TPS-4000 Dual Tracking Laboratory Power Supply.

The TPS-4000 is a Dual tracking, voltage range of 0-60V and a currant rating
of 0-3A per side. @$300

Hewlett-Packard 6237B DC Triple Output Power Supply

Microprocessors, digital and linear intergrated circuits, amd displays used
in lab development frequently require triple output power supplies for
operating prototypes. The HP 6237B compact constant-voltage/current-limiting
supplies combine 0 to +/- 20 V tracking outputs rated at 0.5 amps with a
single output rated at 0 to +18 volts at 1 amp @ $200.00

BWD 246A Dual Power Supply.

The BWD 246A Dual Power Supply is a benchtop power supply with two separate
outputs, both outputs are rated 0-70V, 0-10A. @ $550

Veriac 5kVA !! 0-260V, 2 available @ $250 each


Hewlett-Packard 4261A LCR Meter

The HP 4261A is 3 1/2 digit LCR meter that meets today's requirements for
component measurements. The instrument features fully automatic operation
over wide measuring ranges. Simply select the measuring functions and one of
the test frequencies, then insert the device to be measured. The instrument
does the rest-automatically selecting the proper measuring range and
equivalent circuit mode.

In addition to automatic measurements, the 4261A provides high accuracy
(0.2% reading), internal dc bias, and series and parallel equivalent circuit

This relatively low cost and easy-to-use LCR meter is capable of a wide
range of applications--measuring electrolytic/ceramic capacitors, filter
coils, pulse transformers, internal resistance of dry cells and
semiconductor junction capacitance, as well as ordinary LCR components.
Extended features of these reliable instruments include optionally available
BCD data output capabilities and a comparator option which is convenient for
production line applications.
@ $500.00

HP 8445B Preselector

The 8445B Automatic Preselector contains a YIG filter which tracks the tuned
frequency of the analyzer over the range of 1.8 to 18GHz. The preselector
suppresses the image and multiple responses which result from harmonic
mixing. The YIG filter is electronically tuned by sweep voltage and band
code signals from the analyzer. Tracking filter 3 dB bandwidth is typically
20 to 45MHz. Tracking filter skirt roll-off is nominally 18 dB/octave.
Insertion loss for the low-pass filter (DC to 1.8GHz) is <2.5 dB. Insertion
loss for the tracking filter is (1.8 to 12GHz) <8 dB and (12 to 18GHz) <10
dB. @$450

Tektronix 318 Logic Analyser, with probes

The 318 Logic Analyzer is a lightweight, portable unit which provides
parallel and serial data acquisition capabilities. The unit permits 15
channels of data acquisition at speeds up to 50MHz. The unit features
menu-driven user interface. @ $400

Hewlett-Packard 4800A Vector Impedance Meter.

The 4800A Vector Impedance Meter measures impedance and Q. It has a
frequency range of 5Hz to 500kHz in five bands with an accuracy of ą2%. The
Impedance measurement range is 1 ohm to 10 Mohms and the phase angle
measurement range is 0ş to ą90ş. Direct inductance measurement range is 1 ľH
to 100,000 H. Direct capacitance measurement range is 0.1 pF to 10,000 ľF.
The unit is equipped with analog outputs for three parameters: impedance
magnitude, impedance phase, and frequency which may be used in conjunction
with a two-pen X-Y recorder (sold separately) to provide permanent traces.

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 11:48:01 GMT, "Brian Goldsmith"
<> wrote:

"none" <> wrote

I get a bit tired of the spam from you lot in this news group. Why don't
post your ads in alt.bottomfeeders? Next time a note goes off to

***** And you then promptly repeated the whole bloody lot,what a drone!
fark, Brian, there's an echo in here ;-)
daniel - macservice wrote:

BWD 826 Oscilloscope

The BWD 826 has 50Mhz bandwith, 2 channels, a very simple layout and is very
easy to use, fantastic for a beginner. @ $300
Wow, that takes me back to my first job. I probably built the bloody
thing. :)

Rob, you worked for BWD?, interested in hearing your story....


"Rob Judd" <> wrote in message
daniel - macservice wrote:

BWD 826 Oscilloscope

The BWD 826 has 50Mhz bandwith, 2 channels, a very simple layout and is
easy to use, fantastic for a beginner. @ $300

Wow, that takes me back to my first job. I probably built the bloody
thing. :)

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 18:48:25 +1000, "daniel - macservice"
<> wrote:

Unless otherwise stated all the equipment is in good physical and
operational condition and does not include manuals or probes,
Hello Daniel,
I did ask this question on the site and did not get
an answer, so while you are here on the group, why do
you split the manuals away from the test equipment and
sell them separately?

Please add me to your test equipment for sale mailing list.
I am always interested in good old test gear.
John Crighton

Not much to tell. I were a young scrap of a lad, thrashing my Bultaco
Metralla 250 road racer between Croydon and Glen Iris every morning to
sit at a bench all day and assemble test equipment. Must have been about
1970 I suppose.

I remember the 509A and 539C models best, because I built heaps of them.
And some sig gens, can't recall the model numbers now. The job was my
first out of school, before I moved to Sydney and long before I got my
electronics qualifications. They took me on based on 5 years as a
hobbyist and the ability to solder.

One thing that does stand out in memory was the mind-numbing Muzak they
piped through the place. It was hideous.


daniel - macservice wrote:
Rob, you worked for BWD?, interested in hearing your story....


"Rob Judd" <> wrote in message
daniel - macservice wrote:

BWD 826 Oscilloscope

The BWD 826 has 50Mhz bandwith, 2 channels, a very simple layout and is
easy to use, fantastic for a beginner. @ $300

Wow, that takes me back to my first job. I probably built the bloody
thing. :)


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