On Feb 19, 7:16 pm, bz <> wrote:
IN the product, based on common industry terms (except those who
misunderstood the basic terms).
dielectric component.
The distinction is to contrast one cap from another, to state
electrolytic because it was part of a manufacturing process is grossly
different from the normal industry term meaning electrolyte in the
finished product.
and are now educated).
Then your illusion remains?READ the article.
I see no mistakes in it.
It does.YOU are mistaken in your idea that electrolytics require a liquid
IN the product, based on common industry terms (except those who
misunderstood the basic terms).
Which is nonsense as an argument, because any cap has to have aYou will find that the essential action that produces an electrolytic is the
formation of the dielectric 'oxide' layer by the electrochemical action.
dielectric component.
The distinction is to contrast one cap from another, to state
electrolytic because it was part of a manufacturing process is grossly
different from the normal industry term meaning electrolyte in the
finished product.
Yes, that is exactly what you should do (and accept you learned wrongThere is no point in arguing over a definition. One either accept the
commonly used definition and communicates with the world or insists on using
a different definition and is frequently misunderstood.
and are now educated).