Laptop - Great Quality NX-L515 front bezel removal


C.W.Holeman II

I bought a screen on ebay:

GREAT QUALITY GQ NX-L515 15.4" WXGA LCD Screen Glossy

Here are a couple of links that show installing a screen:

The front bezel for this display has hinge covers that project out
from the frame. I have not been able to locate info on the removal
of the bezel with this detail covered. I do not what to try prying
in case that will break them off.

C.W.Holeman II
To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of
earning one's bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for
passion. I am very thankful. The Mythical Man-Month Epilogue/F.P.Brooks
C.W.Holeman II wrote:
I bought a screen on ebay:

GREAT QUALITY GQ NX-L515 15.4" WXGA LCD Screen Glossy

Here are a couple of links that show installing a screen:

The front bezel for this display has hinge covers that project out
from the frame. I have not been able to locate info on the removal
of the bezel with this detail covered. I do not what to try prying
in case that will break them off.
The bezel that projects over the hinges has no clips or screws.
Once the lower part of the main body of the bezel is pried off there
is no issue for hinge cover part.

C.W.Holeman II
To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of
earning one's bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for
passion. I am very thankful. The Mythical Man-Month Epilogue/F.P.Brooks

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