C.W.Holeman II
I bought a screen on ebay:
GREAT QUALITY GQ NX-L515 15.4" WXGA LCD Screen Glossy
Here are a couple of links that show installing a screen:
The front bezel for this display has hinge covers that project out
from the frame. I have not been able to locate info on the removal
of the bezel with this detail covered. I do not what to try prying
in case that will break them off.
C.W.Holeman II cwhii5@Julian5Locals.com-5s http://JulianLocals.com/cwhii
To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of
earning one's bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for
passion. I am very thankful. The Mythical Man-Month Epilogue/F.P.Brooks
GREAT QUALITY GQ NX-L515 15.4" WXGA LCD Screen Glossy
Here are a couple of links that show installing a screen:
The front bezel for this display has hinge covers that project out
from the frame. I have not been able to locate info on the removal
of the bezel with this detail covered. I do not what to try prying
in case that will break them off.
C.W.Holeman II cwhii5@Julian5Locals.com-5s http://JulianLocals.com/cwhii
To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of
earning one's bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for
passion. I am very thankful. The Mythical Man-Month Epilogue/F.P.Brooks