Ian White, G3SEK
qrk wrote:
The word "scintillation" rang a very faint bell, and Google found a
reference at:
These scanned pages from an unknown reference book define:
"Scintillation: minute and rapid fluctuations of capacitance, formerly
exhibited by silvered mica and silvered ceramic types [of capacitors]
but overcome by modern manufacturing techniques."
Well, maybe not *totally* overcome...
This explains why we only tend to hear about the problem in very old
capacitors (probably WW2 era) or in critical applications such as
precision oscillators.
The reference to silvered-ceramic capacitors is interesting. Evidently
that scintillation problem was "overcome" more completely than for
silvered-mica, which is why NP0 ceramic are now the capacitors of choice
for oscillator applications.
73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
It has certainly been noticed by many more people than Tom.On 20 May 2004 06:12:49 -0700, skavanagh72nospam@yahoo.ca (Steve
Kavanagh) wrote:
Well, Tom Bruhns is the first one I have run across who has also noted
this, so it can't be a very commonly experienced effect.
I doubt that many people would notice ppb changes and jumps. This
takes a bit of patience and ruling out bad test equipment/setup to
observe this phenomena.
The word "scintillation" rang a very faint bell, and Google found a
reference at:
These scanned pages from an unknown reference book define:
"Scintillation: minute and rapid fluctuations of capacitance, formerly
exhibited by silvered mica and silvered ceramic types [of capacitors]
but overcome by modern manufacturing techniques."
Well, maybe not *totally* overcome...
This explains why we only tend to hear about the problem in very old
capacitors (probably WW2 era) or in critical applications such as
precision oscillators.
The reference to silvered-ceramic capacitors is interesting. Evidently
that scintillation problem was "overcome" more completely than for
silvered-mica, which is why NP0 ceramic are now the capacitors of choice
for oscillator applications.
73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)