Anthony William Sloman
On Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 6:52:13 AM UTC+11, John Doe wrote:
Which church? And the black community doesn\'t look utterly destroyed - if nothing else it is quite a bit richer now than it used to be.
> As the saying goes \"They will surround themselves with advisors who tell them only what they want to hear\" (paraphrased). Churches that preach what\'s in the Bible were abandoned, women took their money elsewhere. Consequently, the black community fell apart.
That part of the black community - the one that wasted it\'s money on flamboyant ministers in ritzy churches - may well have fallen apart. It wasn\'t a great loss.
> Empowering women was a great device if you think Blacks were gaining too much power. Join an Internet group full of black women talking about how eager they are to put their misbehaving black male counterparts in jail.
Internet groups attract all kinds of silly people. We\'ve got John Doe.
> Most of us want nothing to do with marriage as it\'s REPEATEDLY AND EXPLICITLY spelled out in the New Testament, for various reasons. Marriage held the black community together. No more.
Really? Marriage is a lot older than the New Testament, and in fact quite a bit older than the human race. Call it pair-bonding, and it is still working as well as it ever did, not that John Doe knows a thing about it.
> Without addressing the fall of marriage, it will get worse. The tension between what was a free responsible society and our Constitution that depended on citizens being responsible is becoming more and more obvious.
So we can get an ignorant lunatic like John Doe broadcasting nonsense about stuff that he hasn\'t got a clue about. Idiots are always with us, and we do know how to deal with them. Scorn works, though John Doe seems to need remarkably concentrated doses.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
Empowering women destroyed the church and consequently utterly destroyed
the black community.
Which church? And the black community doesn\'t look utterly destroyed - if nothing else it is quite a bit richer now than it used to be.
> As the saying goes \"They will surround themselves with advisors who tell them only what they want to hear\" (paraphrased). Churches that preach what\'s in the Bible were abandoned, women took their money elsewhere. Consequently, the black community fell apart.
That part of the black community - the one that wasted it\'s money on flamboyant ministers in ritzy churches - may well have fallen apart. It wasn\'t a great loss.
> Empowering women was a great device if you think Blacks were gaining too much power. Join an Internet group full of black women talking about how eager they are to put their misbehaving black male counterparts in jail.
Internet groups attract all kinds of silly people. We\'ve got John Doe.
> Most of us want nothing to do with marriage as it\'s REPEATEDLY AND EXPLICITLY spelled out in the New Testament, for various reasons. Marriage held the black community together. No more.
Really? Marriage is a lot older than the New Testament, and in fact quite a bit older than the human race. Call it pair-bonding, and it is still working as well as it ever did, not that John Doe knows a thing about it.
> Without addressing the fall of marriage, it will get worse. The tension between what was a free responsible society and our Constitution that depended on citizens being responsible is becoming more and more obvious.
So we can get an ignorant lunatic like John Doe broadcasting nonsense about stuff that he hasn\'t got a clue about. Idiots are always with us, and we do know how to deal with them. Scorn works, though John Doe seems to need remarkably concentrated doses.
Bill Sloman, Sydney