It's that time again.

On Friday, March 29, 2019 at 10:07:28 AM UTC-4, Fox's Mercantile wrote:
What kind of shoelaces should I use?

My shoes still have their original shoelaces, boots really. Now after
I've worn them for a few years the laces are worn out and I need new ones.

I would like to find the exact laces but they are no longer made. The
originals were made of catgut and of course getting catgut laces would
be tough now. I could try and find NOS catgut laces, but I don't really
have good internet access unless I go to Caribou, and the coffee is
sooooo expensive there. And apparently sattelite internet doesn't work
in my sky. So I get my access over telegraph lines, via Morse Code, and
it's really slow. I thought you guys might be able to tell me where to
find NOS catgut laces.
I don't want the cheap Chinese catgut. I want good old 'Merican catgut.

How should you spell American, anyway? 'Murican? 'Murkin? 'Markin?
On Friday, April 5, 2019 at 7:47:30 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> How should you spell American, anyway? 'Murican? 'Murkin? 'Markin?

Keep in mind that the Average American:

Does not have a college education, including an Associate Degree (60%).
Does not have a passport (64%).
Speaks one language – badly (74%).
Has never traveled voluntarily more than 200 miles from his/her birthplace (57%).
Has never visited a foreign country, not even Mexico or Canada (71%).
Cannot name the Speaker of the House, even today (82%)
Cannot name the three branches of government (64%)
Cannot read at a college level (83%)
Cannot read for content (54%). This person cannot follow written-only directions.
60% of American Households do not buy any book in a year.
Does not believe in Evolution (42% creationism, 32% evolution, 26% no opinion).

Making your question either over the head, or beneath the dignity of the Average American.

Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
>" It can also be password protected. "

Printing can also be disabled. If so you have to do screen captures if you got a program that respects nothing.

There was a high end auto service manual that you could download and view but not print. May have been a Rolls, Mazerati, I do not remember.

And sometimes that "password" may be embedded in the registry. (in windows, I have no idea about other OSes)

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