It\'s Going To Take An Organizational Genius To Make This Work...


Fred Bloggs

....and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
On 9/14/2022 8:42 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:15:35 PM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:

Unless you can ensure the standards of living -- and *expectations* of
those living -- can raise everywhere, having them in someone else\'s
backyard just means you don\'t *see* the problem (until it bites you in the
ass... and then you wonder why \"they\" didn\'t do something about it!)

Get real. These people come from places with an entirely different standard
of living, and in many places they\'re just fine with it. When they come to
U.S. they\'re exposed to an entirely different standard and start
overconsuming like everyone else. We don\'t need to be making even more

Yes, I\'m sure the immigrants from Sudan, Biafra, Guatemala, Honduras, etc.
are thrilled with their standards of living and only come to first-world
countries because of an interest in other cultures.

Talk about \"get real\"...

I imagine YOU don\'t consume more than you need to *survive*? I.e., that
you would fare *well* in one of the aforementioned countries living on
their daily wages with their infrastructure, health care, mortality,

Certainly you don\'t NEED a car. Probably not even a bicycle as a
dirt path from your home to the local \"store\" would likely not
be appropriate for such conveyances.

Are you still using a 25\" (why not 19\"?) \"tube (CRT) TV\"? And, typing
your messages on a manual typewriter so that someone else (nasty consumer!)
can enter them into THEIR computer for us to see? Is THIS activity *essential*
to your health/welfare?

I.e., why is it OK for you to be indulgent but not OK for someone else
to want to avail themselves of those amenities?

What do we do when every chinaman, indian, african wants the same standard
of living that the rest of us have attained? Tell them \"no, what\'s good
for the us is ONLY good for us!\"? Or, \"only if you can achieve it without
mucking with OUR (!) water/air/environment\"?

U.S. and the west are not the gold standard of what a standard of living
should be. Those other places are perfectly capable of attaining a standard
they\'re happy with.

Funny thing about \"happy with\" is it changes. EASILY! As a child, I was
\"happy with\" walking or bicycling to the activities in which I was interested.
Or, cajoling a parent to drive me if it was \"far\".

In college, I was \"happy with\" taking mass transit. But, shortly thereafter
(actually, *during*!), I found that I was *happier* with my own car and
grew to rely on it (as getting around in a car is considerably quicker
and less constrained than public transit). Suddenly, I had more
OPPORTUNITIES regarding where I could live, shop, find entertainment, etc.

I was \"happy with\" PB&J\'s as a kid. I\'ve not had one in many decades.
(if I was \"happy with them\", then why haven\'t I *continued* to eat them?
It\'s not that they are expensive. Or, difficult to make. Or, use
exotic ingredients. So, why do I, instead, eat prime rib or shrimp fried
rice or chicken parm or...?)

If you think just because they don\'t have food
franchises on every corner it someone means they\'re deprived then you\'ve
been hopelessly brainwashed by some trade group or another.

*I* don\'t frequent fast food places so why would I want someone else
to be burdened with that sort of nutritional support?

OTOH, I can run to the store (in minutes, not hours of walking)
and \"pick up\" some ingredient that is likely not grown locally.
Any day of the year. Or, have it delivered to my home. Why
wouldn\'t others want that sort of convenience?

Most varieties of apples don\'t grow well, here. And, most citrus
varieties don\'t grow well \"north\". Yet, one can avail oneself
of any of these things -- \"fresh\" -- virtually anywhere in the

U.S. throws away
tens of billions annually on providing foreign aid to these places. In many
cases they don\'t want our aid, or local corruption diverts it for personal
enrichment. And in many cases the local populace doesn\'t even listen to
advice they\'re given by international aid technical advisors. The track
record in Afghanistan with a total waste of $2.4 trillion is another case in
point. U.S. is pretty much a laughing stock. But despite the solid record
of one fiasco after another you somehow continue to believe the government
knows what it\'s doing with immigration.

How many *real* immigrants do you encounter in your day-to-day life (turn the
TV off and count them)? Are you afraid they\'re going to rob you? Rape
your womenfolk? Deprive you of a job opportunity? Or, do you just find
the idea that you *deserve* this lifestyle (because your semen happen to
find its way into a receptive incubator, *here*) but \"they\" don\'t?

A lily-white neighbor *regularly* gripes about the mexicans, blacks, etc.
I take great enjoyment out of reminding him (and everyone in earshot) that
*he* never \"hires white people\"! \"When was the last time you checked
their green cards?\" Of course, all being neighbors, we *see* who he
hires, regardless of what he professes...

A \"leftie\" friend used to advocate for free healthcare (likely because
*his* healthcare costs were astronomical -- $25K/yr 30 years ago! Hint:
he had many significant health problems). Yet, when I agreed with him
and suggested that the folks from the \"south side\" (of Chicago) should
be able to avail themselves of his \"north shore\" (exclusive area)
doctors, this rattled him: \"Why not? If they\'re willing to travel to
use a better provider -- and all providers are gummit paid -- then
why wouldn\'t they want to avail themselves of The Best?\" (seems

Yeah, that\'s gonna happen -- not!
Low life politicians and other completely out-of-touch economists and
theoretician riffraff say we need immigrants to finance social security.
Really? Modern social security is just a ploy to make as many people as
possible dependent on the government, creating a huge reservoir of
voters to be exploited for political vote buying.
a a <> wrote in

On Wednesday, 14 September 2022 at 17:42:33 UTC+2, Fred Bloggs

U.S. throws away tens of billions annually on providing foreign
aid to these places.

don \'t be silly
fake dollar is printed to control and rule the world
to control crude oil global cassino

there is no and not printed a single dollar in any aid

You\'re a fucking retard.
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which
almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

Police state? You have to measure in fine enough detail to identify the

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients,
carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping
points in Earth’s systems.

I think it\'s more a matter of \"people\" readjusting their expectations
and \"behavioral norms\" -- which is a slow process. There was a time when
we didn\'t \"recycle\"; now we do. There was a time when smoking was
an accepted behavior; now its frowned upon. There was a time when marijuana
was The Devil\'s Weed; now it\'s accepted (and regarded as \"medicinal\").

When folks start thinking of natural resources as inherently limited
in nature (there\'s no factory that creates more, within 93 million
miles), use and abuse of them will change.
On Tue, 13 Sep 2022 05:23:06 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs
<> wrote:

...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.

\"Scientists\" as power mongers. Putins with PhDs.
On 9/13/22 05:23, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data,
which almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water,
nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and
stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.

It\'s late in the game to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping

38% of the planet\'s land surface is used to grow food and other products
(such as fuel) for humans or their livestock...

By weight, humans account for 32% of terrestrial vertebrates, while wild
animals amount to just 1% of the total. Livestock accounts for the rest.

These figures are just mind-boggling.
On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 14:23:11 UTC+2, Fred Bloggs wrote:

fake by Nature
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 12:19:32 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 13 Sep 2022 05:23:06 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs> wrote:

...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
\"Scientists\" as power mongers. Putins with PhDs.

Seems like an unfathomable amount of data exponentially complicated by an even more unfathomable number of interconnections. They mention the typical automobile as having 30,000 component parts, every single one of which has to be traced and carbon \"footprinted\", and who knows what other kinds of footprints will be required to stay within this Earth boundary. And every bit of this input is in a constant state of flux. The whole idea of it seems intractable.
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 2:03:56 PM UTC-4, corvid wrote:
On 9/13/22 05:23, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data,
which almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water,
nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and
stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
It\'s late in the game to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping

38% of the planet\'s land surface is used to grow food and other products
(such as fuel) for humans or their livestock...

By weight, humans account for 32% of terrestrial vertebrates, while wild
animals amount to just 1% of the total. Livestock accounts for the rest.

These figures are just mind-boggling.

It\'s heading for a correction.
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 2:04:44 PM UTC-4, a a wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 14:23:11 UTC+2, Fred Bloggs wrote:

fake by Nature

I thought we agreed the only fake around here is you.
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:17:29 AM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which
almost certainly must be strictly vetted.
Police state? You have to measure in fine enough detail to identify the
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients,
carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping
points in Earth’s systems.
I think it\'s more a matter of \"people\" readjusting their expectations
and \"behavioral norms\" -- which is a slow process. There was a time when
we didn\'t \"recycle\"; now we do. There was a time when smoking was
an accepted behavior; now its frowned upon. There was a time when marijuana
was The Devil\'s Weed; now it\'s accepted (and regarded as \"medicinal\").

When folks start thinking of natural resources as inherently limited
in nature (there\'s no factory that creates more, within 93 million
miles), use and abuse of them will change.

Meanwhile they\'re throwing open the doors to a crush of immigration to create even more burden on our rapidly failing infrastructure... a lot of these ethnic groups have an average family size of 8. That\'s what\'s called making their stupidity our problem. Low life politicians and other completely out-of-touch economists and theoretician riffraff say we need immigrants to finance social security. Really? Modern social security is just a ploy to make as many people as possible dependent on the government, creating a huge reservoir of voters to be exploited for political vote buying.
On 9/13/2022 12:06 PM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:17:29 AM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which
almost certainly must be strictly vetted.
Police state? You have to measure in fine enough detail to identify the
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water,
nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and
stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
I think it\'s more a matter of \"people\" readjusting their expectations and
\"behavioral norms\" -- which is a slow process. There was a time when we
didn\'t \"recycle\"; now we do. There was a time when smoking was an accepted
behavior; now its frowned upon. There was a time when marijuana was The
Devil\'s Weed; now it\'s accepted (and regarded as \"medicinal\").

When folks start thinking of natural resources as inherently limited in
nature (there\'s no factory that creates more, within 93 million miles),
use and abuse of them will change.

Meanwhile they\'re throwing open the doors to a crush of immigration to
create even more burden on our rapidly failing infrastructure... a lot of
these ethnic groups have an average family size of 8. That\'s what\'s called
making their stupidity our problem.

So, if \"they\" have their \"family of 8\" somewhere *else*, it won\'t
affect the same planet that *we* inhabit? Somehow, the water they consume
(or pollute!) won\'t impact the water available to us? Ditto air?
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

NIMBY is wonderful -- if you\'re talking about where to site
a meat rendering plant!

Unless you can ensure the standards of living -- and *expectations*
of those living -- can raise everywhere, having them in someone
else\'s backyard just means you don\'t *see* the problem (until it
bites you in the ass... and then you wonder why \"they\" didn\'t do
something about it!)

What do we do when every chinaman, indian, african wants the same
standard of living that the rest of us have attained? Tell them
\"no, what\'s good for the us is ONLY good for us!\"? Or, \"only if
you can achieve it without mucking with OUR (!) water/air/environment\"?

Yeah, that\'s gonna happen -- not!

Low life politicians and other
completely out-of-touch economists and theoretician riffraff say we need
immigrants to finance social security. Really? Modern social security is
just a ploy to make as many people as possible dependent on the government,
creating a huge reservoir of voters to be exploited for political vote
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 2:19:32 AM UTC+10, John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 13 Sep 2022 05:23:06 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs> wrote:

...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which almost certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.

\"Scientists\" as power mongers. Putins with PhDs.

John Larkin prefers to get his advice about dealing with global warming from climate change denial propaganda, written and paid for by the fossil carbon extraction industry. That industry does have a Putin-like enthusiasm for telling everybody else what is good for them (even though it clearly isn\'t, which is very Putin-like) and some of them have Ph.D.s. This does involve a lot of lying, and science is enthusiastic about showing up liars, which may explain why John Larkin finds them unsympathetic.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9:15:35 AM UTC+10, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 12:06 PM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:17:29 AM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which
almost certainly must be strictly vetted.
Police state? You have to measure in fine enough detail to identify the
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water,
nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and
stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
I think it\'s more a matter of \"people\" readjusting their expectations and
\"behavioral norms\" -- which is a slow process. There was a time when we
didn\'t \"recycle\"; now we do. There was a time when smoking was an accepted
behavior; now its frowned upon. There was a time when marijuana was The
Devil\'s Weed; now it\'s accepted (and regarded as \"medicinal\").

When folks start thinking of natural resources as inherently limited in
nature (there\'s no factory that creates more, within 93 million miles),
use and abuse of them will change.

Meanwhile they\'re throwing open the doors to a crush of immigration to
create even more burden on our rapidly failing infrastructure... a lot of
these ethnic groups have an average family size of 8. That\'s what\'s called
making their stupidity our problem.
So, if \"they\" have their \"family of 8\" somewhere *else*, it won\'t
affect the same planet that *we* inhabit? Somehow, the water they consume
(or pollute!) won\'t impact the water available to us? Ditto air?
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

NIMBY is wonderful -- if you\'re talking about where to site
a meat rendering plant!

Unless you can ensure the standards of living -- and *expectations*
of those living -- can raise everywhere, having them in someone
else\'s backyard just means you don\'t *see* the problem (until it
bites you in the ass... and then you wonder why \"they\" didn\'t do
something about it!)

What do we do when every chinaman, indian, african wants the same
standard of living that the rest of us have attained? Tell them
\"no, what\'s good for the us is ONLY good for us!\"? Or, \"only if
you can achieve it without mucking with OUR (!) water/air/environment\"?

Rooftop solar and domestic batteries are are popular in Africa, amongst people who can afford them.

Lenin had to impose communism on Russia before he could achieve rural electrification.

Africa doesn\'t have to bother. They can get close to a western standard of living with having to both to set up and a national electricity grid.

> Yeah, that\'s gonna happen -- not!

It\'s happening already.

Low life politicians and other
completely out-of-touch economists and theoretician riffraff say we need
immigrants to finance social security. Really? Modern social security is
just a ploy to make as many people as possible dependent on the government,
creating a huge reservoir of voters to be exploited for political vote

Fred Bloggs is an American. In places where the politicians want social security to work, it serves a rather more useful purpose.

In Sweden the children in single parent families do just as well as children who have two parents. In the US wealth is more heritable than height, and the wealthy work hard to keep it that way.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in news:73c42d30-

On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 2:04:44 PM UTC-4, a a wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 14:23:11 UTC+2, Fred Bloggs wrote:

fake by Nature

I thought we agreed the only fake around here is you.

No... he is Fucked by nature. A piece of shit like him only
attracts flies and desiccates in filth. But he tries to spread his
stench here. More shit to clutter the group.
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:15:35 PM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 12:06 PM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:17:29 AM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which
almost certainly must be strictly vetted.
Police state? You have to measure in fine enough detail to identify the
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water,
nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and
stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
I think it\'s more a matter of \"people\" readjusting their expectations and
\"behavioral norms\" -- which is a slow process. There was a time when we
didn\'t \"recycle\"; now we do. There was a time when smoking was an accepted
behavior; now its frowned upon. There was a time when marijuana was The
Devil\'s Weed; now it\'s accepted (and regarded as \"medicinal\").

When folks start thinking of natural resources as inherently limited in
nature (there\'s no factory that creates more, within 93 million miles),
use and abuse of them will change.

Meanwhile they\'re throwing open the doors to a crush of immigration to
create even more burden on our rapidly failing infrastructure... a lot of
these ethnic groups have an average family size of 8. That\'s what\'s called
making their stupidity our problem.
So, if \"they\" have their \"family of 8\" somewhere *else*, it won\'t
affect the same planet that *we* inhabit? Somehow, the water they consume
(or pollute!) won\'t impact the water available to us? Ditto air?
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

NIMBY is wonderful -- if you\'re talking about where to site
a meat rendering plant!

Unless you can ensure the standards of living -- and *expectations*
of those living -- can raise everywhere, having them in someone
else\'s backyard just means you don\'t *see* the problem (until it
bites you in the ass... and then you wonder why \"they\" didn\'t do
something about it!)

Get real. These people come from places with an entirely different standard of living, and in many places they\'re just fine with it. When they come to U.S. they\'re exposed to an entirely different standard and start overconsuming like everyone else. We don\'t need to be making even more overconsumers..

What do we do when every chinaman, indian, african wants the same
standard of living that the rest of us have attained? Tell them
\"no, what\'s good for the us is ONLY good for us!\"? Or, \"only if
you can achieve it without mucking with OUR (!) water/air/environment\"?

U.S. and the west are not the gold standard of what a standard of living should be. Those other places are perfectly capable of attaining a standard they\'re happy with. If you think just because they don\'t have food franchises on every corner it someone means they\'re deprived then you\'ve been hopelessly brainwashed by some trade group or another.
U.S. throws away tens of billions annually on providing foreign aid to these places. In many cases they don\'t want our aid, or local corruption diverts it for personal enrichment. And in many cases the local populace doesn\'t even listen to advice they\'re given by international aid technical advisors.. The track record in Afghanistan with a total waste of $2.4 trillion is another case in point. U.S. is pretty much a laughing stock. But despite the solid record of one fiasco after another you somehow continue to believe the government knows what it\'s doing with immigration.

Yeah, that\'s gonna happen -- not!
Low life politicians and other
completely out-of-touch economists and theoretician riffraff say we need
immigrants to finance social security. Really? Modern social security is
just a ploy to make as many people as possible dependent on the government,
creating a huge reservoir of voters to be exploited for political vote
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:02:34 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9:15:35 AM UTC+10, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 12:06 PM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:17:29 AM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which
almost certainly must be strictly vetted.
Police state? You have to measure in fine enough detail to identify the
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water,
nutrients, carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and
stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.
I think it\'s more a matter of \"people\" readjusting their expectations and
\"behavioral norms\" -- which is a slow process. There was a time when we
didn\'t \"recycle\"; now we do. There was a time when smoking was an accepted
behavior; now its frowned upon. There was a time when marijuana was The
Devil\'s Weed; now it\'s accepted (and regarded as \"medicinal\").

When folks start thinking of natural resources as inherently limited in
nature (there\'s no factory that creates more, within 93 million miles),
use and abuse of them will change.

Meanwhile they\'re throwing open the doors to a crush of immigration to
create even more burden on our rapidly failing infrastructure... a lot of
these ethnic groups have an average family size of 8. That\'s what\'s called
making their stupidity our problem.
So, if \"they\" have their \"family of 8\" somewhere *else*, it won\'t
affect the same planet that *we* inhabit? Somehow, the water they consume
(or pollute!) won\'t impact the water available to us? Ditto air?
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

NIMBY is wonderful -- if you\'re talking about where to site
a meat rendering plant!

Unless you can ensure the standards of living -- and *expectations*
of those living -- can raise everywhere, having them in someone
else\'s backyard just means you don\'t *see* the problem (until it
bites you in the ass... and then you wonder why \"they\" didn\'t do
something about it!)

What do we do when every chinaman, indian, african wants the same
standard of living that the rest of us have attained? Tell them
\"no, what\'s good for the us is ONLY good for us!\"? Or, \"only if
you can achieve it without mucking with OUR (!) water/air/environment\"?
Rooftop solar and domestic batteries are are popular in Africa, amongst people who can afford them.

Lenin had to impose communism on Russia before he could achieve rural electrification.

Africa doesn\'t have to bother. They can get close to a western standard of living with having to both to set up and a national electricity grid.
Yeah, that\'s gonna happen -- not!
It\'s happening already.
Low life politicians and other
completely out-of-touch economists and theoretician riffraff say we need
immigrants to finance social security. Really? Modern social security is
just a ploy to make as many people as possible dependent on the government,
creating a huge reservoir of voters to be exploited for political vote
Fred Bloggs is an American. In places where the politicians want social security to work, it serves a rather more useful purpose.

In Sweden the children in single parent families do just as well as children who have two parents. In the US wealth is more heritable than height, and the wealthy work hard to keep it that way.

I wouldn\'t believe a single report coming out of Europe anywhere, especially the socialist countries. About the only thing those people are good at is lying about their wonderful achievements. In reality those so-called achievements don\'t exist at all. A lot of those places are welfare dumps, most of the people living there are little more than breathing corpses.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Wednesday, 14 September 2022 at 17:42:33 UTC+2, Fred Bloggs wrote:

> U.S. throws away tens of billions annually on providing foreign aid to these places.

don \'t be silly
fake dollar is printed to control and rule the world
to control crude oil global cassino

there is no and not printed a single dollar in any aid
On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 1:48:57 AM UTC+10, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:02:34 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9:15:35 AM UTC+10, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 12:06 PM, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:17:29 AM UTC-4, Don Y wrote:
On 9/13/2022 5:23 AM, Fred Bloggs wrote:


Low life politicians and other
completely out-of-touch economists and theoretician riffraff say we need
immigrants to finance social security. Really? Modern social security is
just a ploy to make as many people as possible dependent on the government,
creating a huge reservoir of voters to be exploited for political vote

Fred Bloggs is an American. In places where the politicians want social security to work, it serves a rather more useful purpose.

In Sweden the children in single parent families do just as well as children who have two parents. In the US wealth is more heritable than height, and the wealthy work hard to keep it that way.

I wouldn\'t believe a single report coming out of Europe anywhere, especially the socialist countries.

That\'s American exceptionalism for you. These place can\'t possibly be better places to live the USA and people couldn\'t possibly live longer there.

> About the only thing those people are good at is lying about their wonderful achievements. In reality those so-called achievements don\'t exist at all. A lot of those places are welfare dumps, most of the people living there are little more than breathing corpses.

I\'ve never been to Sweden. My wife went there a lot, and at least one of her Dutch graduate students made his career there (after marrying his Swedish girl-friend). None of the Swedes I met looked any different from the kinds of people I was used to - they were a bit better fed than the Americans we ran into, and rather better behaved, though there wasn\'t much in it. It\'s about as far from a welfare dump as you can get.

puts Sweden at 18th on life expectancy (at 83.33 years). Australia is 8th (at 83.94 years). The UK is 29th (at 81.77 years). The US is 46th (at 79.11 years). Russia is at 113th at 72.99 years. If anybody was going to lie about its statistics it would be Russia, but even they don\'t seem to bother.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> wrote:
...and an unbelievable amount of real time streaming input data, which almost
certainly must be strictly vetted.

How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm

Researchers must help to define science-based targets for water, nutrients,
carbon emissions and more to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping
points in Earth’s systems.

At least that is the official policy in China.
There also is a government to see that through.
China is an important economy so there is hope.

Groetjes Albert
\"in our communism country Viet Nam, people are forced to be
alive and in the western country like US, people are free to
die from Covid 19 lol\" duc ha
albert@spe&ar& &=n

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