On Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 12:33:18 AM UTC+2, Tom Gardner wrote:
TCP per se *is* slow when frame error rate of underlying layers is not near zero.
Also, there exist cases of "interesting" interactions between Nagle algorithm at transmitter and ACK saving algorithm at receiver that can lead to slowness of certain styles of TCP conversions (Send mid-size block of data, wait for application-level acknowledge, send next mid-size block) that is typically resolved by not following the language of RFCs too literally.
Back in the late 80s there was the perception that TCP was
slow, and hence new transport protocols were developed to
mitigate that, e.g. XTP.
In reality, it wasn't TCP per se that was slow. Rather
the implementation, particularly multiple copies of data
as the packet went up the stack, and between network
processor / main processor and between kernel and user
TCP per se *is* slow when frame error rate of underlying layers is not near zero.
Also, there exist cases of "interesting" interactions between Nagle algorithm at transmitter and ACK saving algorithm at receiver that can lead to slowness of certain styles of TCP conversions (Send mid-size block of data, wait for application-level acknowledge, send next mid-size block) that is typically resolved by not following the language of RFCs too literally.