The wife left the iron on again this morning .. so I decided to do
something technical about it.
The local Middy's have two switches that can help, one pnumatic and one
digital. The pnumatic one is cheaper at about $40, but I hate them and
they have a massive backorder list already. The digital one costs over
$130 which is just plain ridiculous.
So I turn to this newgroup.
Is anyone aware of a commercially available timed switch that I can use
that doesn't cost a fortune? (heh, just thought .. maybe I should mount
a PIR under the ironing board!)
Second option would be a kit that I can purchase off-the-shelf and
Third, and thus least popular option would be a simple circuit (I guess
using a 555 timer, some sort of resistor (or even variable) and a 250v
relay ..)
Any thoughts and ideas, greatly appreciated.
something technical about it.
The local Middy's have two switches that can help, one pnumatic and one
digital. The pnumatic one is cheaper at about $40, but I hate them and
they have a massive backorder list already. The digital one costs over
$130 which is just plain ridiculous.
So I turn to this newgroup.
Is anyone aware of a commercially available timed switch that I can use
that doesn't cost a fortune? (heh, just thought .. maybe I should mount
a PIR under the ironing board!)
Second option would be a kit that I can purchase off-the-shelf and
Third, and thus least popular option would be a simple circuit (I guess
using a 555 timer, some sort of resistor (or even variable) and a 250v
relay ..)
Any thoughts and ideas, greatly appreciated.