Harry Dellamano
"Winfield Hill" <hill_a@t_rowland-dotties-harvard-dot.s-edu> wrote in
message news:d8c0jn0q74@drn.newsguy.com...
1. Your IR2110 is ok but you must protect it from: FET Cdg>Cgs causing
large currents into the lower gate driver when the bridge switches high,
large negitive transients at the output (top FET source and bottom FET
drain) when the topside turns off you may get an inductive kick to -20V,
Inductance in the driver gate source loop. This is cured with NPN/PNP
emitter followers drivers and their high side storage capacitors placed at
the gate source leads with a 18V zener placed across them. The IR2110 can
then be safely inches away driving thru a 100 ohm resistor. Zetex has some
great NPN/PNP transistors in small packages that have <100m ohms Ron and
will drive 10 amps <50nS if needed.
2. Even with suitable dead time, if the circuit goes into chaotic operation
and a parasitic diode turns on, the trr can be so long that it will not turn
off soon enough and before the other FET turns on and blows something. Do
not use standard trr FETs. Use FETs with fast diodes <250nS made by most
manufactures now. Digikey has a nice STP11NM50FD. The FD means Fast
parasitic Diodes that will save your butt.
Oh got to go to EL101,
message news:d8c0jn0q74@drn.newsguy.com...
Ok, EL101, how to design a bullet proof half bridge gate driver.Pooh Bear wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote:
Pooh Bear wrote...
I'm using an IR2110 high and low side gate driver in a smps that
I mentioned some time back in the group under the thread 'should
I use a SG3525'.
I've had some 'odd' power device failures that I didn't expect in
entirely benign situations, such as the half bridge output simply
driving the primary of my transformer.
Cut lots of good stuff.................
It takes an experienced designer to make a reliable switcher.
- Win
1. Your IR2110 is ok but you must protect it from: FET Cdg>Cgs causing
large currents into the lower gate driver when the bridge switches high,
large negitive transients at the output (top FET source and bottom FET
drain) when the topside turns off you may get an inductive kick to -20V,
Inductance in the driver gate source loop. This is cured with NPN/PNP
emitter followers drivers and their high side storage capacitors placed at
the gate source leads with a 18V zener placed across them. The IR2110 can
then be safely inches away driving thru a 100 ohm resistor. Zetex has some
great NPN/PNP transistors in small packages that have <100m ohms Ron and
will drive 10 amps <50nS if needed.
2. Even with suitable dead time, if the circuit goes into chaotic operation
and a parasitic diode turns on, the trr can be so long that it will not turn
off soon enough and before the other FET turns on and blows something. Do
not use standard trr FETs. Use FETs with fast diodes <250nS made by most
manufactures now. Digikey has a nice STP11NM50FD. The FD means Fast
parasitic Diodes that will save your butt.
Oh got to go to EL101,