IR LED testing



I am testing some infrared LED transmitters and receivers and am not
sure about a few things. Are all IR LED Transmitters the same color?
I have some from one game that are dark blue and then from another
game they are white. Each set has an opposite dark blue or clear
white receiver or transmitter. I am using an old Radio Shack detector
which is a flat card 1"x2" It glows when it detects a IR signal.
When I hook up the dark blue ones on one system it will glow and the
corresponding part across from won't when hooked into a LED tester.
(Those little square ones from China) Then when I hook up the white/
clear one from the other system it will show a glow on the radio shack
card and their corresponding blue ones won't. Can a transmitter be
dark/blue in color OR white/clear in color??

What is the failure pattern? Can they get weak? Is that common? Or
do they just fail. Is there a proper way to test these things? Has
anyone seen pocket test instrument that can show an IR signal and test
the receiver? The radio shack one I have is falling apart. Also, In
general how do you usually choose these things. Are some for 3V, 5V
or 12V. If I want to replace a transmitter or receiver and I don't
have any manual how would I find the right one? AND, How do you tell
from looking at the component what it is? That is a lot of

Thanks for any and all help.
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:20:41 -0700 (PDT), Uriah <>

anyone seen pocket test instrument that can show an IR signal
Most digital cameras will be IR sensitive, at least enough to respond to
a bright source like a close-by LED. Try your cell phone camera.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA

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