Integration w/o Smoothing; Demodulate, Integrate and then Ta

On Mar 5, 8:11 pm, John Fields <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 12:56:23 -0800 (PST), Magnetic> wrote:
On Mar 5, 6:57 pm, John Fields <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 01:55:11 -0800 (PST), Magnetic> wrote:
PS: In the Galaxy at the time of about 100 000 000 000 years almost
all stars dies and the same number of stars are born. Now is the time
for our Sun. Who will push the button?

How can any galaxy be older than the universe?


Idiot, you will be killed by BB dogmatists from CERN.
Universe is Eternal.
13.34 billion years is a time of one 4d rotation of Eternal Universe.

By the way "13.34 billion years" is a parameter of Universe s

At 3.5 TeV from the lattice they with torn out a crystal of about
6000(usd). The "hole" of 6000(u~s~d~) will annihilate.

But 6000(usd) will grow and ruin the Earth, very quickly.

Dogmatists from CERN?

It seems to me that _you're_ the one doing all the preaching, and after
it's all over and our good green Earth still keeps spinning around the
sun, what will you do?

Cry because you were wrong and we didn't all die, or latch on to 2012 so
you can have about three more years  to pray for your death wish to be
fulfilled, loon?

JF- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Swiss saved the Earth from being swallowed up by a BH by splicing
wires together. TreBert
On Mar 5, 7:11 pm, John Fields <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 12:56:23 -0800 (PST), Magnetic> wrote:
On Mar 5, 6:57 pm, John Fields <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 01:55:11 -0800 (PST), Magnetic> wrote:
PS: In the Galaxy at the time of about 100 000 000 000 years almost
all stars dies and the same number of stars are born. Now is the time
for our Sun. Who will push the button?

How can any galaxy be older than the universe?


Idiot, you will be killed by BB dogmatists from CERN.
Universe is Eternal.
13.34 billion years is a time of one 4d rotation of Eternal Universe.

By the way "13.34 billion years" is a parameter of Universe s

At 3.5 TeV from the lattice they with torn out a crystal of about
6000(usd). The "hole" of 6000(u~s~d~) will annihilate.

But 6000(usd) will grow and ruin the Earth, very quickly.

Dogmatists from CERN?

It seems to me that _you're_ the one doing all the preaching, and after
it's all over and our good green Earth still keeps spinning around the
sun, what will you do?

Cry because you were wrong and we didn't all die, or latch on to 2012 so
you can have about three more years  to pray for your death wish to be
fulfilled, loon?

Some people are just desperately and insanely frightened, and they
need someone or something to blame to account for their deep-seated
fear. Since there is no rational basis for the fear -- it is due to
insanity -- then there is no way to assure him that his fears are
baseless. He has just chosen physicists as the focus of his fear, and
he will be afraid until he dies.
Today they’ll try 1.2 TeV per beam.

Proton, p = (uud).
Neutron, n = (udd).
Lambda, l = (uds).
Antiproton, p~ = (u~u~d~).
Antineutron, n~ = (u~d~d~).
Antilambda, l~ = (u~d~s~).
Hypertriton, T = (pnl).
Antihypertriton, T~ = (p~n~l~).

RHIC collides ions. That creates HOT quark gluon plasma.
Now LHC collides protons. In non-central inelastic collisions it can
tear out of a Dirac sea a COLD crystals of strange matter and

p + p = p + p + N(uds) + N(u~d~s~).

N is a number of lambda and antilambda in "strange nucleus or
The number of nucleons in usual matter is limited, because of electric
repulsion between protons. The periodic system is limited by uranium.
The number of lambda (strange nucleons) in strange matter can be not
limited and it is possible that neutron stars are in fact are big
strange nuclei.

The strange matter can transform a usual matter into strange matter
because under big N the binding energy per nucleon in strange nucleus
is bigger than in usual matter under the same number of nucleons.

The binding energy can be find through the mass differences of
nucleons in free state and inside the nucleus.

Usual matter:

Mass of a free proton is 938.272 MeV/c^2.
Mass of a proton in deuteron is several MeV/c^2 less.
Mass of a proton in He is several MeV/c^2 less.
Mass of a proton in C is several MeV/c^2 less.
Mass of a proton in Fe is several MeV/c^2 less, and minimal.

These mass differences say us about binding energy.

Strange droplet consisting of a several (uds) is unstable and decay.

The mass of free lambda is 1116 MeV/c^2 and is almost 200 MeV/c^2
bigger than the mass of free proton or free neutron.
This is the cause of lambda decay.
Some authors said that strange nucleus, consisting of 10 lambdas, can
be stable.
The binding energy of one lambda in big strange nucleus can be, for
example, of about 500 MeV/c^2.
That means that strange nucleus can grow transforming usual nuclei
into strange ones.
The value 500 TeV, as a binding energy of (uds) in a strangelet
N(uds), can easily be received from comparison with the rest energy of
kaons K+ and K0, which are correspondingly 493 MeV and 497 MeV.
Kaons (K+=us~; K0=ds~) can be side products, occurring at the time of
proton (p=uud) and neutron (n=udd) capture by strange matter N(uds):
N(uds) + p = (N+1)(uds) + K+ = (N+1)(uds) + e+ + 500 MeV.
(N+1)(uds) + n = (N+2)(uds) + K0 = (N+2)(uds) + 500 MeV.
Extremely powerful explosion.

This explosion has specific energy output, which is hundred times
bigger than under the nuclear explosion.

By the way, at the time of November-December collisions there were
more Kaons output that it was theoretically predicted. That means that
we are very close to creation of this dead droplet, which can
transform the whole Earth into 10-meterr lump of strange\dead matter.
Space observations says us that periods of pulsars are almost do not
change. That means that strange matter is very stable.

Read about strange matter, strangelets, and strange stars in
Wikipedia. I think that our civilization is crazy. From one hand, it
already knows about a deadly dangerous strange matter; from the other
hand, it tries to create that dead droplet at colliders. I do not
understand you, people. I wish you to become mentally healthy and STOP
all powerful colliders.

As we can see, they can do at RHIC a strangelet (uds) and
antistrangelet (u~d~s~) but yet N=1.

The cause is ion collision, 200 GeV, per nucleon, leading to HOT quark
gluon plasma.
At LHC there will be proton collision, 3500 GeV per proton. At LHC two
COLD crystals can be created from Dirac’s quark sea. That is
absolutely different state. That is not hot quark gluon plasma, but
cold crystals, torn out of Dirac’s quark sea. Density of those
crystals can be hundred times bigger than the density of nuclear
matter and by hundred millions times more than the density of usual
solid matter.

Strange crystal, which can be made tomorrow at LHC, will kill us all.
p + p + 2*3.5 TeV= 6000(usd) + 6000(u~s~d~)

Strange crystal 6000(usd) is extremely stable and deadly dangerous!
This is a droplet of strange matter, embryo of a "neutron star". The
whole Earth can be transformed into such strange matter in a 1000 of
seconds or slightly more.

Reaction p + p = p + p + N(uds) + N(u~d~s~) can also occur in the
collision of two cosmic protons or in a collision of cosmic and
atmospheric proton.
"Cosmo-cosmo" crystal’s creation in Solar system is very rarefied even
at the cosmology times. But they are not dangerous, because they can
be blown out of a Solar system by light of a Sun.
"Cosmo-atmospheric" crystals would have huge velocities in the Earth
atmosphere. As a result the particles of atmosphere would have TeV
energies in the reference systems of these crystals. These energies
are thousands times bigger than the specific binding energy of lambdas
in crystals. That will lead to destruction of "Cosmo-atmospheric"

Today they’ll try 1.2 TeV per beam.
Magnetic wrote:
[snip 120 lines of crap overall]

"Cosmo-atmospheric" crystals would have huge velocities in the Earth
atmosphere. As a result the particles of atmosphere would have TeV
energies in the reference systems of these crystals. These energies
are thousands times bigger than the specific binding energy of lambdas
in crystals. That will lead to destruction of "Cosmo-atmospheric"


Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
Uncle Al Inscribed thus:

Magnetic wrote:
[snip 120 lines of crap overall]

The black hole is between his ears.

Best Regards:
David Bernier wrote:
David Bernier wrote:

There's one law review article by Eric E. Johnson that's
at least quite interesting, from reading three pages of it.

I've now finished reading that and I think there's some
common sense in there.

For example, a coal mine operation was near a railroad line.
The railroad operators said that there was a small chance of
a landslide. The coal mine would say there's a very small
chance of a landslide (or something like that).

If it were only about bananas being cargo, if the bananas and
the train and tracks are lost to a landslide, the railroad
could then sue and get money to cover the loss of bananas,
train and tracks. ( ok).

However, there were also passenger and/or passenger/cargo trains.
In the event of a landslide, some people could die.
Should this be seen as only monetary damages is fine,
after an accident with loss of life?

The Brennan court thought "No". So there was a temporary injunction
on the coal mining until things got sorted out (or something like
that: common sense).


Now I'm looking at
< >
by Mangano and Giddings.

The preprint runs about 96 pages, and there are over 100 references.
Everything is spelled-out, with references, formulas and so on;
this is good, because (in principle) it could be reviewed,
or re-reviewed.

Cases of bh towards sun (solar capture) are treated with likehood
of heading straight for the sun (Ok) and then the chances that
they'll hit something in the sun and be "stopped" [with
a velocity after collision of 100 meter/second, for example] (Ok).

I discern a very exacting and conscientious analysis of
likelihoods, according to current thinking in particle
physics, and supported by astronomical observations.

So, I think looking at more papers is a good thing.
This is according to the idea that it's not
who the messenger delivering the message that
convinces, but the message itself [but
anyone will most likely give some weight to
the identity of the messenger, if time is short].

-- << Let no one unversed in femtobarns enter here. >>
(a nod to Plato's Academy).

It discusses the petition for a preliminary injunction against
CERN filed by ??? and what followed.

The petition or application is entitled as follows:

Sancho v. U.S. Department of Energy et al, // Title
filed in the United States District Court
for the District of Hawaii on March 21 2008.

David Bernier

Eric E. Johnson:
"The Black-Hole Case: The Injunction Against the End of the World",
76 Tennessee Law Review 819 (2009) [ 90 pages, PDF file ]
Quote from "LHC Kritik / LHC Critique"

CERN LHC lawsuit was not accepted for decision by German
Constitutional Court

The German Institutional Court today has refused to accept an appeal
for interim measures to limit LHC energies at 1 TeV per beam. This
means that the case was not accepted for decision by the court and
that it is confident with a lower court’s negative decision. This time
the judges’ argumentation does not seem to be about jurisdiction. In
the argumentation of the court it says the plaintiff (a female German
citizen living in Switzerland) “beyond her general mistrust towards
physical laws could not demonstrate why there is a threat of
destruction of the Earth.”

This is astonishing because the case included physical descriptions of
the risks. Now it seems like the court would have needed more physical

Over all, the refusal of the German Constitutional Court could
increase the chances of complaints on international level because
national remedies are exhausted. Also other complaints on national
level are still possible.

Nevertheless, the CERN member states have got the duty to ensure
citizens’ safety. This does not function if they only rely on the
argumentation of the operator CERN and on courts’ decisions in favour
of this argumentation.

Currently many news agencies and media report shortly about the
refusal, for example:

An important critical article in the “New Scientist” by a legal
professor on the LHC case recently has raised much interest:

“CERN on trial: could a lawsuit shut the LHC down?”
17 February 2010 by Prof Eric E. Johnson

Within the last days, two new critical studies appeared concerning
possible global risks at the LHC:

“Black Hole Production at the LHC: A Review of the Risks.”

“Overall Assessment

The beginning of this section summarized the present uncertainties
about whether black holes are stable or radiate, how fast they might
radiate, and whether they might be charged or must all be neutral.
Given these uncertainties, a reasonably cautious approach would be to
avoid black hole production if even one of these cases carries an
unacceptable risk. The above review has shown, however, that almost
all of these cases pose unacceptable risks to the planet. In such a
situation, there can be little doubt that black hole production at the
LHC would be an unacceptable and irresponsible risk.”

AССELERATOR LHC: “NEW CHEMISTRY”. The review of not considered risks.
That was a quote from "LHC Kritik / LHC Critique"
Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Here is my crude estimation of probable outcomes:
1. Explosion of the whole Earth – 49%.
2. Extermination of Geneva – 1%.
3. Extermination of Europe – 1%.
4. Other harmful unpredictable consequences – 5%.
5. Discovery of new subnuclear energy sources – 5%.
6. Outcomes with no harm and no use – the rest.

At the point 1 we all will die.
At the points 2, 3, 4 a part of humanity will be killed. Destruction
of a part of the Earth will be followed by huge Earthquake all over
the Earth. To raise the probability of survival it is necessary to be
at the free air with the stalk of water, food and warm clothes.

The most probable microscopic dangerous objects are:
1. Microscopic magnetic hole.
2. Growing nucleus, consisting from strange nucleons and/or neutrons
(uds, uss, udd).
3. Microscopic black hole.

According to ideas of Kaluza, Klein and Einstein about additional
short spatial dimension and unification of gravitational and
electromagnetic forces, we can conclude that black holes, at least at
microscopic levels, can be reduced to objects of the first or the
second types. That means that microscopic black hole is in fact a
condensate, consisting from bosons, as magnetic hole, or from
fermions, as strange matter. Condensates have a binding energy per
their constituent elements. This changes the argumentation about
survival and penetrating abilities of black holes, created in cosmic
and collider proton-proton collisions...

My health is already ruined by depression. I know that we all can be
killed. I can not save myself, my family, my land. Criminal stupidity
of corrupted contemporary science had won.
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic
<> wrote:

Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Here is my crude estimation of probable outcomes:
1. Explosion of the whole Earth – 49%.
2. Extermination of Geneva – 1%.
3. Extermination of Europe – 1%.
4. Other harmful unpredictable consequences – 5%.
5. Discovery of new subnuclear energy sources – 5%.
6. Outcomes with no harm and no use – the rest.

At the point 1 we all will die.
At the points 2, 3, 4 a part of humanity will be killed. Destruction
of a part of the Earth will be followed by huge Earthquake all over
the Earth. To raise the probability of survival it is necessary to be
at the free air with the stalk of water, food and warm clothes.

The most probable microscopic dangerous objects are:
1. Microscopic magnetic hole.
2. Growing nucleus, consisting from strange nucleons and/or neutrons
(uds, uss, udd).
3. Microscopic black hole.

According to ideas of Kaluza, Klein and Einstein about additional
short spatial dimension and unification of gravitational and
electromagnetic forces, we can conclude that black holes, at least at
microscopic levels, can be reduced to objects of the first or the
second types. That means that microscopic black hole is in fact a
condensate, consisting from bosons, as magnetic hole, or from
fermions, as strange matter. Condensates have a binding energy per
their constituent elements. This changes the argumentation about
survival and penetrating abilities of black holes, created in cosmic
and collider proton-proton collisions...

My health is already ruined by depression. I know that we all can be
killed. I can not save myself, my family, my land. Criminal stupidity
of corrupted contemporary science had won.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

On 3/29/10 3:56 AM, Magnetic wrote:
According to ideas of Kaluza, Klein and Einstein about additional
short spatial dimension and unification of gravitational and
electromagnetic forces, we can conclude that black holes, at least at
microscopic levels, can be reduced to objects of the first or the
second types.

Can you hear my tiny violin?
On 3/29/2010 9:07 AM, John Fields wrote:
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic> wrote:

Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Here is my crude estimation of probable outcomes:
1. Explosion of the whole Earth – 49%.
2. Extermination of Geneva – 1%.
3. Extermination of Europe – 1%.
4. Other harmful unpredictable consequences – 5%.
5. Discovery of new subnuclear energy sources – 5%.
6. Outcomes with no harm and no use – the rest.

At the point 1 we all will die.
At the points 2, 3, 4 a part of humanity will be killed. Destruction
of a part of the Earth will be followed by huge Earthquake all over
the Earth. To raise the probability of survival it is necessary to be
at the free air with the stalk of water, food and warm clothes.

The most probable microscopic dangerous objects are:
1. Microscopic magnetic hole.
2. Growing nucleus, consisting from strange nucleons and/or neutrons
(uds, uss, udd).
3. Microscopic black hole.

According to ideas of Kaluza, Klein and Einstein about additional
short spatial dimension and unification of gravitational and
electromagnetic forces, we can conclude that black holes, at least at
microscopic levels, can be reduced to objects of the first or the
second types. That means that microscopic black hole is in fact a
condensate, consisting from bosons, as magnetic hole, or from
fermions, as strange matter. Condensates have a binding energy per
their constituent elements. This changes the argumentation about
survival and penetrating abilities of black holes, created in cosmic
and collider proton-proton collisions...

My health is already ruined by depression. I know that we all can be
killed. I can not save myself, my family, my land. Criminal stupidity
of corrupted contemporary science had won.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr
With any luck there will be one explosion--that of Magnetic's head when
the world doesn't end.
Magnetic wrote:
Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
[snip crap]


Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
"Magnetic" <> wrote in message
Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Here is my crude estimation of probable outcomes:
1. Explosion of the whole Earth – 49%.
2. Extermination of Geneva – 1%.
3. Extermination of Europe – 1%.
4. Other harmful unpredictable consequences – 5%.
5. Discovery of new subnuclear energy sources – 5%.
6. Outcomes with no harm and no use – the rest.

Them there is some purty fancy rithmatic ya got there.
Dorky Energy is in the news again:
Tinfoil Condition Red! LHC 7 TeV mega-blasts tomorrow
'Dr Dark Energy': Only 49% chance of Earth exploding

"Magnetic" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic> wrote:

Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Here is my crude estimation of probable outcomes:
1. Explosion of the whole Earth – 49%.
2. Extermination of Geneva – 1%.
3. Extermination of Europe – 1%.
4. Other harmful unpredictable consequences – 5%.
5. Discovery of new subnuclear energy sources – 5%.
6. Outcomes with no harm and no use – the rest.

At the point 1 we all will die.
At the points 2, 3, 4 a part of humanity will be killed. Destruction
of a part of the Earth will be followed by huge Earthquake all over
the Earth. To raise the probability of survival it is necessary to be
at the free air with the stalk of water, food and warm clothes.

The most probable microscopic dangerous objects are:
1. Microscopic magnetic hole.
2. Growing nucleus, consisting from strange nucleons and/or neutrons
(uds, uss, udd).
3. Microscopic black hole.

According to ideas of Kaluza, Klein and Einstein about additional
short spatial dimension and unification of gravitational and
electromagnetic forces, we can conclude that black holes, at least at
microscopic levels, can be reduced to objects of the first or the
second types. That means that microscopic black hole is in fact a
condensate, consisting from bosons, as magnetic hole, or from
fermions, as strange matter. Condensates have a binding energy per
their constituent elements. This changes the argumentation about
survival and penetrating abilities of black holes, created in cosmic
and collider proton-proton collisions...

My health is already ruined by depression. I know that we all can be
killed. I can not save myself, my family, my land. Criminal stupidity
of corrupted contemporary science had won.

Here you go.
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic
<> wrote:

I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Nice to see you are leaving yourself an out. Too many religious
prophets (profits?) don't.

Hey; if a black hole were to engulf the earth, no one would worry
about it, or think about it, or care about it . . . you get the idea.
"default" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic> wrote:

I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.

Nice to see you are leaving yourself an out. Too many religious
prophets (profits?) don't.

Hey; if a black hole were to engulf the earth, no one would worry
about it, or think about it, or care about it . . . you get the idea.
amdx wrote:
"default" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic> wrote:

I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.

Nice to see you are leaving yourself an out. Too many religious
prophets (profits?) don't.

Hey; if a black hole were to engulf the earth, no one would worry
about it, or think about it, or care about it . . . you get the idea.


Only the chickens...

Lead free solder is Belgium's version of 'Hold my beer and watch this!'
In article <>,
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote:

amdx wrote:

"default" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:56:37 -0700 (PDT), Magnetic> wrote:

I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.

Nice to see you are leaving yourself an out. Too many religious
prophets (profits?) don't.

Hey; if a black hole were to engulf the earth, no one would worry
about it, or think about it, or care about it . . . you get the idea.


Only the chickens...
Confound it, nothing works these days the way it's supposed to.

I blame color television.

Christopher J. Henrich
"A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver." -- Boon

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