Brian Sandle
In alt.firefighters Gel <barclayhomes@ukgateway.net> wrote:
clears? Yes, I see you keep them within arm's reach and take out the battery?
We need to discuss thermal/ionizing/optical and/or combination alarms.
In a TV maybe I would go for thermal. So my aritcle on sci.electronics.repair
about improvising around the failing Onwa TV voltage regulator may need
caution. Is the regulator switch-off an intended function?
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Where would I see stats on domestic fires starting in TV sets?Yes they do show up in UK stats, as do Tumble Driers/wsashing machines
Look here at links page~
and you can get access to pdf's of Government stats on sources of
fires in home & general useful info on site too.
What alarms do you have which can be stopped from sounding before the smokeYou've GOT to be kidding. Smoke alarms cause too many false alarms. The
last thing we need when the wife burns the pot roast is to have to search
for three hours for the manual to our TV to learn how to turn off the smoke
alarm. -Dave
clears? Yes, I see you keep them within arm's reach and take out the battery?
We need to discuss thermal/ionizing/optical and/or combination alarms.
In a TV maybe I would go for thermal. So my aritcle on sci.electronics.repair
about improvising around the failing Onwa TV voltage regulator may need
caution. Is the regulator switch-off an intended function?
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