John Fields
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:44:21 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote:
What you can blame on Ford is the invention of the assembly line. How
you use it to endlessly replicate errors is your own affair.
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote:
---John Fields wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
pimpom wrote:
As an example, the amplified speakers I'm using for my computer
is a Kobian SW-1480 (reasonable sound for a USD20 equivalent
price tag). It's a 2.1 set using a TDA2030 for each of the woofer
and two satellites (4 ohms each), running from a common power
supply which is very close to the TDA2030's max rating of +/-18V
at idle. Even if the full 36V is squared and divided by 4ohms (an
absurd and totally irrelevant 'formula'), the total for all three
amps still falls short of 1000W. Yet the PMPO is claimed to be,
as the model number suggests, 1480W!! What really surprises me is
that similarly absurd figures are touted even by giant
multinational companies.
For some bizarre reason the US FTC considered this market under 'the
Amplifier Rule' and exempted it !
You'll probably find some obscure reasoning on their site
Although it's not explicitly stated, it's probably something like giving
the Chinks a break by letting them sell stuff here which doesn't quite
measure up to what they claim.
Pretty much the same as the license we allow you which doesn't say:
"Instead of just one, you should have bought two Jaguars so you'll have
one to drive while the other one's in the shop.
You can blame that on Ford then. Fix or repair daily isn't it ?
What you can blame on Ford is the invention of the assembly line. How
you use it to endlessly replicate errors is your own affair.