Rod Speed
flyinyereye <spam@spam.com> wrote in message
operation has been sold, particularly when buying one now.
problem than say with a Samsung etc.
Yeah, that's what I meant by the 'legally' comment that followed that one.Rod Speed <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote
Rod Speed <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote
Gadgets <info@shop.gadgetaus.com> wrote
Grundig TVs are no longer manufactured...
Where did you get that from ?
Looks like he might be right
Even if they have stopped making them, it doesn't
make any difference if you buy one now...
Not completely clear on that given that that part of the Grundigthe Australian company will likely still
be here to cover the two year warranty,
operation has been sold, particularly when buying one now.
Dunno, in theory parts might be worseand after that you're on your own, just like any purchase.
problem than say with a Samsung etc.
Uh oh, that means it should fail this week |-)Funnily enough, I just checked the receipt for
my set, and my warranty ran out last week.