Michael A. Terrell
makolber@yahoo.com wrote:
Some simple hand drawn cartoons would do that on a waveform monitor
at the AFRTS TV station zi worked at in the '70s. I saw 'Quickdraw
McGraw walk across the screen of a Tektronix RM529 more than once.
Never piss off an Engineer!
They don't get mad.
They don't get even.
They go for over unity! ;-)
It does sometimes happen that you can see the video picture on an oscope waveform.
It can happen with a simple picture like the station call letters when the scene lighting is such that the left of the picture is brighter then the right , and you have the scope set to the V rate.
or something like that,
it is eerie.
Some simple hand drawn cartoons would do that on a waveform monitor
at the AFRTS TV station zi worked at in the '70s. I saw 'Quickdraw
McGraw walk across the screen of a Tektronix RM529 more than once.
Never piss off an Engineer!
They don't get mad.
They don't get even.
They go for over unity! ;-)