Rod Speed
"Will S" <wlsuttonrenove@gmail.com> wrote in message
the IT industry that never bothered with those fools.
They all do."Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
quietguy wrote:
Hey Michael - didn't you see that I was just having a joke? Though of
course I was
having a shot at union scumbags who would be happy to sit on their bums and
Unions are a sore spot with me.
I worked at a unionized defense plant doing QA work which was a non
union job. They were talking about striking when the president of the
union told me she would slash the tires on my car if I came in to work.
I smiled and told her I would gladly run over her in the parking lot if
I saw a her with a knife, and that I was spreading the word about the
threats. Soldering was a union only job there. The production
supervisor went to my boss one night and asked if he could "Borrow" me
for an hour or so. I went to the rework area and saw the ladies trying
to solder the case of a large transformer to a circuit board used in the
PRC-77. He told me they had spent four hours trying to do the repairs.
The union steward was standing there glaring at me. I asked if I was
allowed to show them the proper way to do the job. They agreed so I did
the first one, then grinned at the production supervisor and said, I'm
only going to show them one more time as I did the second one. The
union steward tried to have me fired.
Several years later the IBEW tried to unionize the Cable TV company I
worked for. They promised me $2 an hour less than I was making, three
weeks less vacation and all for around $200 a month in dues. I told him
the owner would never allow a union, and I wasn't going to lose $4160 in
pay, pay another $2400 in dues and lose three weeks vacation that i
could sell back to the company.
Some Unions may have retards in them
Complete pig ignorant drivel.but if it wasn't for unions you would be working for peanuts in conditions
that you wouldn't have animals living in.
More fool you.The problem is I guess that Unions have obtained as much as they are going to
get in terms of conditions for the workers and they have to change but I would
still prefer an outdated Union then none at all.
Complete pig ignorant drivel. Most obviously withAnd yes you may get more money now without the union but without unions you
wouldn't be in that position.
the IT industry that never bothered with those fools.
You in spades. No surprise that you need a union.People like you are just as bad as the unionist you describe ie. you cant see
past the end of your noses