On May 8, 3:40 am, rickman <gnu...@gmail.com> wrote:
object to that started this thread so I'm guessing you won't like the
story, but here it is anyway.
The definition of the types 'signed', 'unsigned', 'std_logic_vector'
and 'std_ulogic_vector' are...
type signed is array (NATURAL range <> of std_logic;
type unsigned is array (NATURAL range <> of std_logic;
type std_logic_vector is array ( NATURAL RANGE <> of std_logic;
type std_ulogic_vector is array ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) of std_ulogic;
As you can see, they all have the same definition...but that doesn't
make them the same from the perspective of the language. They are
different types, none of them are subtypes of anything that is more
If you have a signal or variable of any of the above types, and you
want to assign it to something of any of the other types, you will
need to do a type conversion because they are different *types* not
just different *subtypes*.
Now let's take a look at the definition of std_logic for a moment. It
SUBTYPE std_logic IS resolved std_ulogic;
Since std_logic is defined as a *subtype* of the more general
std_ulogic type then you can freely assign two signals/variables
without the type conversion.
Note though that while std_logic is a subtype of std_ulogic, the
previously mentioned definition of std_ulogic_vector is NOT a subtype
of std_logic_vector. That is why std_logic and std_ulogic can be
freely assigned without type conversions, but std_logic_vector and
std_ulogic_vector can not.
I don't know why the vector versions were defined this way, and maybe
whoever decided this wishes they had done it differently, but in any
case it is the way it is...but before completely throwing in the towel
on the language itself, also recognize that the definitions of those
types are in packages that are outside of the language definition
itself. If you want to create your own types and subtypes without
this limitation, you can do so.
though are not only a function of which tool you are using but it also
changes over time. Perhaps if you can find and dust off your example
where you thought this was a limitation of either the tool, the
standard or both you might find that it was something different. In
my case, the fact that you can put a type conversion on the left side
of the port map was my "learn something new every day" moment several
years back...and the end of any need for wrappers for conversions on
entity outputs.
Kevin Jennings
No, start of story...but it's the story of strong typing that youAgain, if you get a chance to investigate, I would be interested to hear
how you get on.
I've been using std_ulogic/std_ulogic_vector for a while...no issues
with Quartus or Synplify on the synthesis front.
I guess the real issue
is that if I am using signed/unsigned, I am using slv, not sulv... end
of story, right?
object to that started this thread so I'm guessing you won't like the
story, but here it is anyway.
The definition of the types 'signed', 'unsigned', 'std_logic_vector'
and 'std_ulogic_vector' are...
type signed is array (NATURAL range <> of std_logic;
type unsigned is array (NATURAL range <> of std_logic;
type std_logic_vector is array ( NATURAL RANGE <> of std_logic;
type std_ulogic_vector is array ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) of std_ulogic;
As you can see, they all have the same definition...but that doesn't
make them the same from the perspective of the language. They are
different types, none of them are subtypes of anything that is more
If you have a signal or variable of any of the above types, and you
want to assign it to something of any of the other types, you will
need to do a type conversion because they are different *types* not
just different *subtypes*.
Now let's take a look at the definition of std_logic for a moment. It
SUBTYPE std_logic IS resolved std_ulogic;
Since std_logic is defined as a *subtype* of the more general
std_ulogic type then you can freely assign two signals/variables
without the type conversion.
Note though that while std_logic is a subtype of std_ulogic, the
previously mentioned definition of std_ulogic_vector is NOT a subtype
of std_logic_vector. That is why std_logic and std_ulogic can be
freely assigned without type conversions, but std_logic_vector and
std_ulogic_vector can not.
I don't know why the vector versions were defined this way, and maybe
whoever decided this wishes they had done it differently, but in any
case it is the way it is...but before completely throwing in the towel
on the language itself, also recognize that the definitions of those
types are in packages that are outside of the language definition
itself. If you want to create your own types and subtypes without
this limitation, you can do so.
No.Would I need to make my own library to use ulogic
based signed/unsigned types?
I've never had any problems with this approach. Tool limitationsThe main place the mixing of std_logic_vector and std_ulogic_vector
occurs is instantiating some outside widget that uses std_logic_vector
on the interface. Once I learned that type conversions can be put
into the port map and you didn't need to create std_ulogic 'wrappers',
or use intermediate signals to connect the vectors, it all came
together rather nicely.
Inst_Some_Widget : entity work.widget
port map(
Gazinta_slv => std_logic_vector(Gazinta_sulv),
std_logic_vector(Gazouta_slv) => Gazouta_sulv
std_logic and std_ulogic can be freely assigned without any type
I know I have run into trouble with this in the past. In fact, I
thought there were some limitations in the standard, not just tool
limitations. Rather than learn to work around the limitations, I have
always used "wrapper" signals for the conversion.
though are not only a function of which tool you are using but it also
changes over time. Perhaps if you can find and dust off your example
where you thought this was a limitation of either the tool, the
standard or both you might find that it was something different. In
my case, the fact that you can put a type conversion on the left side
of the port map was my "learn something new every day" moment several
years back...and the end of any need for wrappers for conversions on
entity outputs.
Kevin Jennings