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1. I deeply believe that sooner or later the key words
"orif"/"orels"/"errels" will be introduced into VHDL.
2. I think the task is laid on Jim Lewis shoulder, he is my paper
reviewer, "errels" suggestor and member of VHDL committee. Now he is
fully qualified to do that. I will help him push the movements.
"The "orif"/"orels"/"errels" keywords are an interesting concept"
I am glad that your attitude changes from "brainless troll" to
"interesting concept".
It is just a tip of iceberg. Its power is far more than what you have
For example, all 5 methods(yours, my 2, engineer from IBM and Lockheed
Martin) fail when states of state machine are declared in enumerated
type(I never declare states as coded numbers to save time and energy
to elsewhere).
In general, the key words "orif"/"orels"/"errels" provide VHDL users
with very powerful tools to deliver any useful mutually exclusive
information well known to designers to VHDL compilers and it will
"immediately" reduce resource waste and increase final project speed
without big code change(change from "elsif" to "orif" delivers the
information to compiler) .
The following is an example:
If(A1) then // maybe if(A1 or A2 or A3) then
NextState <= state1;
orIf(A2) then // A1 will be excluded in final equation here
NextState <= state2;
orIf(A3) then // A1/A2 will be excluded in final equation here
NextState <= state3;
elsIf(A4) then // maybe elsif(A4 or A5 or A6) then
NextState <= state4;
orif(A5) then // A4 will be excluded in final equation here
NextState <= state5;
orIf(A6) then // A4/A5 will be excluded in final equation here
NextState <= state6;
elsIf(A7) then
NextState <= state7;
orIf(A8) then // A7 will be excluded in final equation here
NextState <= state8;
NextState <= state0;
end if;
It tell compilers that there are 3 groups of conditions that are
mutually exclusive:
Further more logic saving can be achieved if you select common factor.
For example:
A1 <= B1 and C1;
A2 <= B1 and C2;
A3 <= B1 and C3;
"if(A1 or A2 or A3) then"
can be replaced by
"if(B1) then"
If(A1) then // maybe if(A1 or A2 or A3) then
Data <= Data1;
orif(A2) then // A1 will be excluded in final equation here
Data <= Data2;
orif(A3) then // A1/A2 will be excluded in final equation here
Data <= Data3;
elsif(A4) then // maybe elsif(A4 or A5 or A6) then
Data <= Data4;
orif(A5) then // A4 will be excluded in final equation here
Data <= Data5;
orif(A6) then // A4/A5 will be excluded in final equation here
Data <= Data6;
elsIf(A7) then
Data <= Data7;
orIf(A8) then // A7 will be excluded in final equation here
Data <= Data8;
Data <= Data0;
end if;
In another words, the power of 3 keywords is that
with any declaration to compiler that there are mutually exclusive
conditions, you get benefits in both speed and resources!!!
As we know, the most effective expression in VHDL is case statement.
The more case statement you use, the more efficient your design is.
Why? It indicates to compiler that there are mutually exclusive
relations. Case statement has a drawback: the case variable must be a
state machine name or it must have fixed number of bits. Again, why?
The reason is in a state machine, all states are mutually exclusive.
For a fixed number of bits, all different values are mutually
OK, now I would like to tell in real world there are far more
situations where there are mutually exclusive situations than 2 above
cases: not only within one state machine there are mutually exclusive
relations, there are possibilities that mutually exclusive relations
exist among a group of state machines if you can recognize them. In my
paper, I enumerated 11 cases where mutually exclusive relation may
exist. 3 years later I have accumulated more than that.
For example, let us refer to PCI transactions. If a PCI write
transaction is targeting at one of 4 spaces of a device, the 4 write
state machines in 4 different spaces are mutually exclusive: Only one
working state is permitted at any time among the 4 state machines.
This is why I suggest another two key words "machine" and "exclusive"
to declare which state machine is mutually exclusive with others.
Now VHDL standard become bottleneck, the code inefficiency source.
Why? it fails to provide users with a means to declare non-standard
mutually exclusive conditions that are ubiquitous.
The job of synthesis is to create a netlist of primitivesAt first thanks for Mike's answer. But my exact question was how to
extract so many many internal signals which are listed during the
timing simulation. For example, _inbuf, _ibuf, _gst, etc. How can I
know which signal represents my original input signal or output
so, again you admit that it'd be the same than a case statement....as you'if..elsif..elseif..endif' generates following equation:
A1.B1 + !A1.A2.B2 + !A1.!A2.A3.B3
If A1, A2 and A3 are mutually exclusive, and my suggestion is used:
you will get the equation:
A1.B1 + A2.B2 + A3.B3
Same equation as if a "case" statement were used.
1. You tell compiler to generate statements like "case" statement.
no need to shout...2. More items means long route, longer delay and decreased running
The speed-up and resource saving is the FPGA chip final result, not
I have never mentioned simulation saving.
When you don't fully understand a situation, you may feel it
"dangerous", "can of worm", "Pandora's box". But when you understand
it, it will makes your chip run faster and with confidence and without
any new simulation burden if and only if VHDL provides a means to do
no need, you didnt answer any of my previous questions on theYou are sleeping, you cannot be eating. And you are eating, you cannot
be sleeping;
You are at home, you cannot be at theater, you are at theater, you
cannot be at home;
You are dead, you cannot be alive, you are alive, you cannot be dead;
You are 20 years old, you cannot be 40 years old, you are 40 years
old, you cannot be 20 years old;
A true $20 note cannot be false, a false $20 note cannot be true;
But "You are a son, you cannot be a father, you are a father, you
cannot be a son" is wrong!!! You don't have to do simulations, no, not
a second, to prove if they are mutually exclusive.
So there is no confusion at all and there is never a "rare" "critical"
boundary condition to be tested!!!
If you can provide me with an example, I will tell you where you are
I'm working about a DQPSK modem 4 Mbits/s.
My problem is to implant the 4 nyquist filter (on (I and Q) *2
(transmitter and receiver).
I use a Stratix - FPGA.
When I developp the filter with ONLY 12 taps the four filters utilizes
76 DSP block and I have only 80 DSP blocks.
After Matlab simulation, I must have 48 taps for a correct impulse
The sampling frequency is 80 MHz and the filter bandpass is 2 MHz.
Is it possible to implant 4 filters with 48 taps in a single Stratix
thanks for response
I am trying to simulate a 16-bit shift register using the following
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity ShiftReg is
Port (d_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
serial_in,ld,shift,clk,reset : in std_logic;
q : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
end entity ShiftReg;
architecture behavioral of ShiftReg is
subtype word is std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
type initz is file of word;
P: process (clk, shift, ld,reset)
file datain : initz open read_mode is
"C:/Modeltech_xe_starter/examples/ch 10/init.txt";
variable val : word;
if (reset='1') then
while not(endfile(datain)) loop
end loop;
elsif ( clk'event and clk ='1') then
if (shift = '0') and (ld='1') then
q <= d_in ;
elsif (shift = '1') then
q(14 downto 0) <= q(15 downto 1) ;
q(15) <= serial_in ;
end if;
end if;
end process P;
end architecture behavioral;
The file init.txt just contains the string 1110000000000001
And the simulation settings that I used where
force clk '0' 1 ns, '1' 2 ns -repeat 2 ns
force reset '1','0' 3 ns
force ld '0'
force d_in '0000111100001111'
force shift '0'
force serial_in '0'
What happens is that the variable val remains undefined and as a result
q always remains undefined.If someone can help me with as to why this
program does not read in from the file, I would be much obliged.
Thanks, and I appreciate the consideration.
Hello JaI
Not for use in a simulator but for real life running of CPLD.
Thanks for replying
"Just an Illusion" <illusion_to_net@yahoo.fr> wrote in message
In simulator ?
Write a testbench which instantiate your component, and do a reset
(reset=1) at start.
MNQ wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to find out how I can set my initial value of BUSY in the
process below to '1' i.e. at T=0 for when power is first applied to my
device (CPLD XC2C384).
My process is as follows:-
busy_FF : process (busy_clock, reset, buf_busy)
if reset ='1' then
busy <= '1';
elsif busy_clock='1' and busy_clock'event then
busy <= not buf_busy;
end if;
end process busy_FF;
Thanks for any help
The normal way would be through application of the reset signal --Hi All,
I am trying to find out how I can set my initial value of BUSY in the
process below to '1' i.e. at T=0 for when power is first applied to my
device (CPLD XC2C384).
My process is as follows:-
busy_FF : process (busy_clock, reset, buf_busy)
if reset ='1' then
busy <= '1';
elsif busy_clock='1' and busy_clock'event then
busy <= not buf_busy;
end if;
end process busy_FF;
I will take a look on those all suggestions. Many thanks!Do you want to learn VHDL, or do you want to learn HDL-based hardware
design? If the later, I would recommend Confluence. As a functional
programming language, Confluence designs typically result in 3-5X
fewer lines of code than VHDL. The CF compiler returns HDL and a
cycle accuarte C model -- compile with GCC and you've got yourself a
high-performance logic simulator.
Now that THOR inc. has been bought out by McDisneyMart Corp. they importI have a nice one that is about a 25 pounder. Its XP compatible.
Sounds good........i'm seriously thinking of upgrading to a THOR AP12
Aluminium and plastic hammer.
It gives the user a choice of persuasive use with the plastic head or
destruction with the aluminium head.
Hello! I have a problem to solve with Modelsim XE II and I'd be very
happy if you helped me. When I compile a vhdl file for a latch-D, I
get a success message; but whet I launch it for a simulation, I always
get the following message:
"Warning: (vsim-3473) Component 'not0' is not bound."
This is the file latch_D.vhd:
entity latch_D is
port(D,Ck:in bit;
Q,Qbarut bit);
end latch_D;
architecture latch_D_arc of latch_D is
component latch_SR
port(S,R,Ck: in bit;
Q,Qbar: out bit);
end component;
component NOT_IMP
port(A: in bit;
Abarut bit);
end component;
signal Dbar : bit;
not0: NOT_IMP
port map (D,Dbar);
latch_SR0: latch_SR
port map (D,Dbar,Ck,Q,Qbar);
end latch_D_arc;
Both not_imp.vhd and latch_SR.vhd give success in compiling and work
great in simulation, but the latch_D doesn't work. Can you help me?
Hello! I have a problem to solve with Modelsim XE II and I'd be very
happy if you helped me. When I compile a vhdl file for a latch-D, I
get a success message; but whet I launch it for a simulation, I always
get the following message:
"Warning: (vsim-3473) Component 'not0' is not bound."
This is the file latch_D.vhd:
entity latch_D is
port(D,Ck:in bit;
Q,Qbarut bit);
end latch_D;
architecture latch_D_arc of latch_D is
component latch_SR
port(S,R,Ck: in bit;
Q,Qbar: out bit);
end component;
component NOT_IMP
port(A: in bit;
Abarut bit);
end component;
signal Dbar : bit;
not0: NOT_IMP
port map (D,Dbar);
latch_SR0: latch_SR
port map (D,Dbar,Ck,Q,Qbar);
end latch_D_arc;
Both not_imp.vhd and latch_SR.vhd give success in compiling and work
great in simulation, but the latch_D doesn't work. Can you help me?
"if..elsif..elsif..endif" structure is Fortran language's product. In
software, there is no impact on performance, everything must be
executed in serial order.
Do you know that the vhdl origin is ada, not fortran![]()
implementation 'spirit'; 'if' defined a policy of priority then youBut in hardware, its essence is concurrent implementation.
I am not agree with you about this point, 'case' is the concurrent
'sequential' ;-)"if..orif..orif..endif" structure provides a similar, but excellent
structure to supplement "if..elsif..elsif..endif" structure: either in
serial implementation area or in concurrent implementation area.
An other remark, you haven't any 'serial' implementation area, but
actually I´m looking for all the tools to simulate and synthesis
programs in VHDL. by the way I saw a vhdl generator from C CODE FROM
I'm a beginner in VHDL but want to build in a stall logic in the mips
(pipelined Risc processor) that indicates a LW/SW Hazard.
I thougt this problem could be solved with a stall logic like that:
stall <= '1'
when (id_ex_memread = '1' AND ((register_rs = d_register_rt) OR (register_rt
= d_register_rt))) else '0';
register_rs, register_rt are outputs from the ifetch-stage,
d_register_rt is an output from the execute-stage
My problem is, that if a stall appears, the control register must be set to
I thought a process like that would solve the problem:
pipeline: process(clock, reset)
if reset = '1' then
D_Register_WB <= "00";
D_Register_M <= "000";
D_Register_EX <= "0000";
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if (stall = '0') then
D_Register_WB(0) <= MemtoReg ;
D_Register_WB(1) <= RegWrite ;
D_Register_M(0) <= MemWrite;
D_Register_M(1) <= MemRead;
D_Register_M(2) <= Branch;
D_Register_EX(0) <= ALUSrc;
D_Register_EX(1) <= ALUOp(0);
D_Register_EX(2) <= ALUOp(1);
D_Register_Ex(3) <= RegDst;
end if;
if (stall = '1') then
D_Register_WB <= "00";
D_Register_M <= "000";
D_Register_EX <= "0000";
end if;
end if;
end process;
Unfortunatly the stall - change will appear in the next clock cycle and not
in the active one.
Does anyone knows a solution to clear the control-register in the same
Christian Klejmann
see:I would like to show you with real code in my PCI-CORE why it is very
important to introduce "if..orif..endif" keywords into VHDL to clear
any confusions about mutual exclusive conditions.
Any comments special to the above example are welcome.
right, cause you're the only one who actually need it...I would like to show you with real code in my PCI-CORE why it is very
important to introduce "if..orif..endif" keywords into VHDL to clear
any confusions about mutual exclusive conditions.
yes, it's never late to learn...snip
Any comments special to the above example are welcome.
and maybe you should...because "case" didnt seem to fit in your 30%Sorry roller, but while I agree that adding these keywords is a bad
idea, it *is* true there are optimization benefits to it.
"bad idea?", why? for beginners? I just use 30% of VHDL structures and
never pay attention to what I have never used.
man, VHDL comes from ADA...and the need for "if...endif" is to giveIt is not a little benefit. My experiences told me that when I was
failing the final running frequency, either 66MHz for PCI or 133MHz
for PCI-X, the only way that helps me is to try to use more case
statements to reduce number of levels in "if..elsif..elsif..endif"
"if..elsif..elsif..endif" structure is Fortran language's product.
and it was showed that could be achieved without new keywords...In software, there is no impact on performance, everything must be
executed in serial order. But in hardware, its essence is concurrent
whatever man"if..orif..orif..endif" structure provides a similar, but excellent
structure to supplement "if..elsif..elsif..endif" structure: either in
serial implementation area or in concurrent implementation area.
whatever you say dude1. What I said is if "orif"/"ofels"/"errels" are adapted as new key
words in VHDL, it can let users use it and "IT WILL GENERATE LOGIC SO
Do you know "case" statement is the most efficient and fastest
statement in VHDL?
2. "there was no logic change."
It means the following:
If you write statements:
if(A1) then
NextState <= S1;
elsif(A2) then
NextState <= S2;
elsif(A3) then
NextState <= S2;
end if;
then it can be changed in the following way to add mutually exclusive
if(A1) then
NextState <= S1;
orif(A2) then
NextState <= S2;
orif(A3) then
NextState <= S2;
end if;
That's it. "NO OTHER LOGIC CHANGE" and it will give you saving!!!
PPP:Hello Everyone,
I am doing some programing in VHDL. I want to write a VHDL program
that accept ethernet frame and convert it to PPP frame (point to point
protocol). So how can i do that and If anyone has any idea regarding
the related stuffs where i can get some information.