Yes sorry, I had spelled this out on an earlier draft of the web page, then
deleted it along with other superfluous stuff...
This thermostat circuit is hooked up to a cooling fan, so I want the relay
contacts to close (turn the fan on) when the temperature is high and the
thermistor resistance is low.
rpaisley4@cogeco.ca (Rob Paisley) wrote in
deleted it along with other superfluous stuff...
This thermostat circuit is hooked up to a cooling fan, so I want the relay
contacts to close (turn the fan on) when the temperature is high and the
thermistor resistance is low.
rpaisley4@cogeco.ca (Rob Paisley) wrote in
A basic design question if I may; Do you want the relay to turn ON or
OFF when the temperature is HIGH (the thermistor resistance is LOW)?
CF <form@web.site> wrote in message
Excellent Rob! Thanks for simplifying the layout of my circuit. I
knew it was getting messy. I'd just finished drawing my own new
version, and then saw yours and had to go back and improve it a bit
more (still messy, and amateurish, but oh well). I think your layout
is fundamentally sound. The only thing that worries me is a note that
comes with the National Semiconductor spec sheet -- to the effect
that when driving a ground- referred load, the inputs are reversed.
Also, looking at the spec sheet today, I had, as I said, just
finished revising my own circuit by doing away with the transistor
entirely. Apparently the LM311's output can sink up to 50mA at 50V,
so why bother with an extra transistor for a 30mA relay? See this
page for what I've come up with, and a few snippets of the spec sheet
including that note I mentioned:
rpaisley4@cogeco.ca (Rob Paisley) wrote in
Here is my take on the circuit.
I have reduced the setpoint control to is minimum and maximum