How to test speaker ohms?

One of the fascinating things about UseNet is coming into contact (even if
only at a distance) with people who, at the very least, need someone to talk

"Phil" (that's a Hitchhiker joke), do you think I'm actually bothered by
your remarks?
"William Sommerwerck" <> wrote in message
One of the fascinating things about UseNet is coming into contact (even if
only at a distance) with people who, at the very least, need someone to

"Phil" (that's a Hitchhiker joke), do you think I'm actually bothered by
your remarks?
I don't know anyone besides you that hasn't killfiled the aussie scumbag
"Richard Crowley = yet another PITA wanker "

You have not stated any motivation for this. In the likely opinion of
most people here, you have a speaker that is not worth any effort
to repair.

As others have observed you cannot measure AC impedance with
a device that measures DC resistance.

** Shame how you and the other two fuckwit, autistic pedants are 100% wrong
in the case of cone loudspeakers.

Nobody needs your posturing BULLSHIT shoved down their throats either.

And nobody give a flying fuck what idiots like you think.

So piss off.

....... Phil
"muzician21" wrote ...
I want to replace the midrange of a Fisher speaker model ST-440
"Studio Standard Series". No idea what vintage it is - maybe 80's or
What's on the back is SB-80521-1 L81TNK

AFAIK it's a factory speaker.
You are almost certainly correct. They tended to use OEM custom
drivers for mass-market consumer goods back in the day (just as is
the custom today).

Obviously I want to replace it with the right kind of speaker.
You have not stated any motivation for this. In the likely opinion of
most people here, you have a speaker that is not worth any effort
to repair.

As others have observed you cannot measure AC impedance with
a device that measures DC resistance. And AC impedance is only
a small part of the picture. Your chances of finding an exact replacement
depend on finding another set of speakers and cannibalizing the driver.
Else you have no practical way of finding an exact (or even close)
replacement. Fortunately, the speakers likely aren't worth the effort

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