Michael A. Terrell
Mark Zenier wrote:
Have you ever tried using one of the old 'Hot air popcorn poppers'
that were popular about 15 years ago? There were used ones at flea
markets for years, often in the 25 to 50 cent price range. Once you
removed a few screws, the plastic case came apart leaving you a small
forced air heater.
Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
In article <slrnhugcn1.e0e.gsm@cable.mendelson.com>,
Geoffrey S. Mendelson <gsm@mendelson.com> wrote:
I've recently started doing electronic repairs (mostly wiring) and need to
shrink heat shrink tubing. A long time ago I bought a heat gun used for
removing paint and used that. It was 120 volt, so I left it when I moved
I've never had much luck (or is it patience?) shrinking it by holding it over
a soldering iron tip. Using a flame, like a cigarette or stove lighter
ends up with burnt plastic.
Is there such a thing as a small heat shrink tube shrinker that does not
toast the things around it? The largest thing I need to shrink over is
about 1/2 an inch most of them are small (20awg or less) wires.
For cable assemblies, I've found that nothing beats a Sunbeam toaster.
Turns itself off, too. You don't have to put it down into the slot,
just hold it over the top.
The trick with lighters is to keep the shrink about 1 1/2 to 2 inches
above the top of the flame.
Have you ever tried using one of the old 'Hot air popcorn poppers'
that were popular about 15 years ago? There were used ones at flea
markets for years, often in the 25 to 50 cent price range. Once you
removed a few screws, the plastic case came apart leaving you a small
forced air heater.
Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.