How to repair an UFO?

Yesterday an alien from outer space crashed with its UFO into my

The alien seems to be dead and the UFO is heavily damaged.
It wasn't a UFO, it was a weather ballon!

:p - Reinhart
Have you tried changing the flux capacitor?
Blasted Andromedan engineering! They can't design anything right.

The flux capacitor ought to be replaced with a series of phase inducers. It's
best to check if the dilithium is still in a stable crystal form and that the
whatchamacallit is properly interfacing with the doo-hickey. - Reinhart

Yesterday an alien from outer space crashed with its UFO into my
Hoo boy. You'd better be careful with this, lest you end up creating a
gargantuan black hole or breaking some of the laws of physics...or worse...

I think that some of you are experienced UFO-engineers and can tell me
how to repair it.
I think all you have to be able to do is to rebuild a Mac Classic/Plus/SE
'analog board' so it'll never fail again and then you are qualified to
rebuild any UFO on the market today. :-D

Or find "a guy" who can seemingly fix anything. The repairs may not be the
most professional, but they should let you know if there is any hope of
restoring the craft to full working order once again. :)

In any case, thanks for the laugh.


Why else would it go out of control and crash?
Because it was running the Mac OS?

William the PC (though not necessarily Windows) user...

Is this the Diesel model ?
It's probably electric or gasoline fired, given that's it cold in space and
some Diesel fuel will gel on you...

Or maybe that's why it crashed. This post sure has been fun...and it's
probably not over yet...


And Adam is a well-known troll. Please avoid replying to him.
What fun is it NOT to reply to a troll? They're only productive if you let
them get to you.

William The Thick Skinned Usenet Reader -- Since 1997
It crashed because the UFO was driving by brainwave and when it got close to
that person which is obviously brain dead, the vehicle ran out of fuel thus
lost control.

"William R. Walsh" <>
wrote in message news:xTPEb.606376$Fm2.550468@attbi_s04...

Yesterday an alien from outer space crashed with its UFO into my

Hoo boy. You'd better be careful with this, lest you end up creating a
gargantuan black hole or breaking some of the laws of physics...or

I think that some of you are experienced UFO-engineers and can tell me
how to repair it.

I think all you have to be able to do is to rebuild a Mac Classic/Plus/SE
'analog board' so it'll never fail again and then you are qualified to
rebuild any UFO on the market today. :-D

Or find "a guy" who can seemingly fix anything. The repairs may not be the
most professional, but they should let you know if there is any hope of
restoring the craft to full working order once again. :)

In any case, thanks for the laugh.

geo73 wrote:
Was it running Windows of any version?

Obviously it was running ME or 98se.. Now thats a true
blue screen of death..



"The only thing better than sitting outside and
playing a banjo is sitting outside playing a banjo
made of the skulls of people that made fun of you in
elementry school."

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