On 11-Jun-11 6:04 PM, Sharpie wrote:
Nearmaps is better , they take high resolution overhead pictures from a
plane flyover , Nearmaps is based in Perth and have done quite detailed
photo scans of the Perth / country towns and have expanded to most
capital cities on a limited basis.
The resolution can go down to 2 - 4 metres and all the pics have a date
Up until recently you could browse all the pics , but now they want to
create a FREE account so you can see all the pics.
The pics are great for perving on your neighbour's backyard.
Save planet Earth !
It's the only place that has Pizza and Beer
Google maps are useless , they are always 2 - 3 years out of date.Can someone in eastern Australia use their backyard to make a huge clock
that is readable from space? This way when Google Maps updates their
imagery we can use your clock as a reference to find out where we were at
that particular day and time.
Nearmaps is better , they take high resolution overhead pictures from a
plane flyover , Nearmaps is based in Perth and have done quite detailed
photo scans of the Perth / country towns and have expanded to most
capital cities on a limited basis.
The resolution can go down to 2 - 4 metres and all the pics have a date
Up until recently you could browse all the pics , but now they want to
create a FREE account so you can see all the pics.
The pics are great for perving on your neighbour's backyard.
Save planet Earth !
It's the only place that has Pizza and Beer