Weng Tianxiang
On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 1:43:59 PM UTC-8, Weng Tianxiang wrote:
Sorry, everyone who participate in this discussion.
After finishing my code, I wrote log2() function and finally found that I didn't use it at all and actually use the following format before having read Rick suggestions.
signal Count : integer range 0 to N;
instead of
signal Count : unsigned(log2(N)-1 downto 0);
KJ: he says that "M := M mod 2;" is not equal to: "M := M/2;" I don't know why? Can you list a digital example to show your point?
Thank you.
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 10:48:11 PM UTC-8, rickman wrote:
On 3/5/2016 12:23 AM, rickman wrote:
On 3/4/2016 8:01 PM, Weng Tianxiang wrote:
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 2:27:55 PM UTC-8, rickman wrote:
On 3/4/2016 5:03 PM, Mark Curry wrote:
In article <nbcq1j$i1q$1@dont-email.me>, rickman <gnuarm@gmail.com
On 3/4/2016 1:20 PM, Weng Tianxiang wrote:
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 5:34:42 AM UTC-8, Gabor wrote:
Weng Tianxiang wrote:
I have a constant N = 27, how to define a counter whose width is
big enough to hold integer 27?
Or how to get a constant = log N? Where "log" is a logarithm
with base 2.
Thank you.
The function you want is the ceiling of log base 2. In Verilog
this is $clog2(). If you don't have a similar function it's quite
easy to make, since it's generally accomplished by shifting the
input value right until it becomes zero and counting the shifts
required to get there.
Hi Gabor,
I want to use the (log N) to be the width of a counter:
signal Count : unsigned((log N)-1 downto 0); -- it can hold a
known largest number N
I don't think you need a ceiling function. I think you need a floor
function and add 1. log2(8) = 3.0, log2(9) = 3.17, both need 4
bits to
represent them in binary. A ceiling function will return 3 for 8
and 4
for 9. So it would be
ceiling(log2(8+1)) = 4;
What's the trouble?
This can work if you add the 1 first, but the number you want is 3. So
you have to subtract 1 from this result. Which is simpler?
Personally I prefer the simpler approach of flog2(N) rather than
clog2(N+1)-1 to get where this needs to go. flog2 is a very simple
function to write. If you use floating point routines for log2 and
ceiling you need to then convert to integer. Are there integer
functions for these routines or do you need to write them? I guess that
wouldn't make sense since log2 either returns a floating point number or
does some form of truncation or rounding.
Hi Gabor, KJ, Rich and Mark,
After your posts, I realized that a user-defined function's returned
integer value can be used as boundary limit!!! Before the post I
didn't know it.
So I decided to accept Gabor's method to write an integer function
log2(integer N) in my design so that it can be repeatedly used later
for my life.
Thank you.
Here is the code:
-- = floor of log2(); log2(27) = 5.
function log2(integer: N) return integer is
variable K : integer;
variable M : integer; -- = M mod 2
K := 0;
M := N;
loop1: while M /= 0 loop
M := M mod 2; -- it cannot use M := M srl 2, because N is an
K := K+1;
end loop;
return K;
end log2;
-- to be debugged
I can't recall the last time I wrote even a simple program that was 100%
correct the first time. I think when you debug your program it will
need to be M := M / 2;
You might want to make your comment, "it cannot use M := M srl 1,
because N is an integer"
Oh yeah, you also need to change "while M /= 0" to "while M > 1".
Otherwise you will get a return value of 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 4, 4
for 8, etc, which are all 1 more than the correct value and not optimal
for your use.
Hi Rick,
I just want to 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 4, 4 for 8, the bit count that is big enough to hold N.
signal Counter : unsigned(log2(N)-1 downto 0);
I don't want to skip "-1", because all unsigned() expressions in my design uses format name(xxx-1 downto 0);
for all integer M mod 2 == M / 2, but latter is better than former.
So actually my design has no error at all!!!
Sorry, everyone who participate in this discussion.
After finishing my code, I wrote log2() function and finally found that I didn't use it at all and actually use the following format before having read Rick suggestions.
signal Count : integer range 0 to N;
instead of
signal Count : unsigned(log2(N)-1 downto 0);
KJ: he says that "M := M mod 2;" is not equal to: "M := M/2;" I don't know why? Can you list a digital example to show your point?
Thank you.