How to build a transmitter in the 20HZ range ?? Please Help


Robert Blass

I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

I have a couple of hundred dollars to spend on this project and also
have a lot of free time these days on my hands.

As far as a electrical power source I have up to the 110 volts coming
into my home as a source and as low as a 1.5 volt battery. I also have
a power supply that mimics a standard car battery's 12 volts of power.

Can one of you get me started with the basics so that I can eventually
build such a device?

It's not for a job or college project and it is simply my need to
understand and learn this concept if possible.

I do know how to read simple, very simple, schematics.

Another Thing: I used a computer program many years ago that simulated
a very simple circuit to check for faults and errors. Does such a
program exist today in the Windows environment for simple designs
which is free or nearly free to troubleshoot the project to save as
much money as possible? I'd hate to spend $100 on parts and have it
blow up just because I made some rookie mistake if you understand what
I mean?


p.s. Message was sent to 2 newsgroups
sci.electronics.basics AND

If this was the wrong thing to do, cross-posting, then please tell me
which newsgroup I should post to in the future.
Robert Blass wrote:
I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
What makes you think this will work, at any power level ?


Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

I have a couple of hundred dollars to spend on this project and also
have a lot of free time these days on my hands.

As far as a electrical power source I have up to the 110 volts coming
into my home as a source and as low as a 1.5 volt battery. I also have
a power supply that mimics a standard car battery's 12 volts of power.

Can one of you get me started with the basics so that I can eventually
build such a device?

It's not for a job or college project and it is simply my need to
understand and learn this concept if possible.

I do know how to read simple, very simple, schematics.

Another Thing: I used a computer program many years ago that simulated
a very simple circuit to check for faults and errors. Does such a
program exist today in the Windows environment for simple designs
which is free or nearly free to troubleshoot the project to save as
much money as possible? I'd hate to spend $100 on parts and have it
blow up just because I made some rookie mistake if you understand what
I mean?


p.s. Message was sent to 2 newsgroups
sci.electronics.basics AND

If this was the wrong thing to do, cross-posting, then please tell me
which newsgroup I should post to in the future.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:12:20 -0400, Robert Blass <blame@messenger.xcx>

p.s. Message was sent to 2 newsgroups
sci.electronics.basics AND

If this was the wrong thing to do, cross-posting, then please tell me
which newsgroup I should post to in the future.
sci.electronics.BASICS ;-)

...Jim Thompson
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| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

Viewed from afar, even whores and Democrats seem reputable
Robert Blass wrote:
I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

amdx wrote:
So, is this a neighbor that has the volume [too] loud for you?
That's what occurred to me as well.
Here's the boilerplate, filled out:

Your solution advocates a
(x) technical ( ) legislative ( ) market-based (x) vigilante
approach to solving a problem with a noisy neighbor.

Your idea will not work. Here is why it won't work.
(One or more of the following may apply to your idea,
and it may have other flaws.)
(x) Technology doesn't work the way you think it does

Specifically, your plan fails to account for:
(x) Extreme misunderstanding of technology
(x) Lack of susceptibility of the system to your method of attack
(x) Laws already exist that forbid your neighbor from being a jerk
(x) The police don't take kindly to vigilantes
(x) Having assholes arrested works much better

The following philosophical objections may also apply:
(x) Ideas similar to yours are easy to come up with,
yet none have ever been shown practical
(x) Countermeasures must not affect *other* neighbors' gear

Furthermore, this is what I think about you:
( ) We're really close, but still no cigar.
I agree with you're idea in general--maybe one day in the future...
( ) Sorry dude, but I don't think it would work
(x) This is a stupid idea, and you're a stupid person for suggesting
( ) Nice try, asshat! I'm going to find out where you live
and burn your house down!
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:22:12 +0100, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
<> wrote:

default wrote:
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:12:20 -0400, Robert Blass <blame@messenger.xcx

I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

"Transmitter" implies wireless Radio Frequency - possible if you have
the resources of the Navy and wish to communicate with subs

Magnetic transmitter - loop around the area you want to pick up a
signal. That is done, is practical, and doesn't require a license.

Don't know what you hope to do with stereo speakers. You want to
disrupt the neighbors stereo? That takes a lot of power if he's using
a CD player - less if he's using a radio - Radio takes a license and
it is illegal to disrupt communications (but it can be fun).

Something like a high energy power supply dumping huge amounts of
power into a tank circuit with a spark gap - might just disrupt a
stereo no matter what the program source.

Just build a Tesla coil and put it near his stereo.
That's what I had in mind, but you shouldn't need the secondary. Some
wannabe media star already demonstrated the coil, spark gap, thing as
working for an EMP "weapon" (by stopping a running car at 40 feet with
a tank circuit)

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On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:21:14 -0600, donald <>
sayd the following:

Robert Blass wrote:
I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.

What makes you think this will work, at any power level ?

Because for a few years we had a guy who would drive up and down the
road with an amplified CB radio. This would come through load-n-clear
on any device connected to a speaker as long as it was in the on
position. When the device was off we'd never hear the CB guy talking.

I'm not talking about broadcasting for a large distance. I'd just like
to broadcast 100-200 feet toward the road is all.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:35:40 -0500, "amdx" <> sayd the

"Robert Blass" <blame@messenger.xcx> wrote in message
I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

So, is this a neighbor that has the volume to loud for you?

No it's those loud bass thumping stereos from cars that drive by, also
the same system for people who live 2 houses away from me.

I have nothing against loud music but this is literally shaking the
entire house, you can feel it deep into your own body. I don't think
that's fair so I'd like to see how they would feel.

If it's ok for them to interfere with me then they should be willing
to let me do the same thing.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:20:21 -0400, "Tom Biasi"
<> sayd the following:

20 Hz to 1KHz is only going to get into the speaker through wires. (barring
extreme magnetic energy to pull the cone out at 100 yards:) )

I just need less than 200 feet of distance to transmit a simple sin
wave noise overlapping the stereo speakers inside a car driving by the
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:26:53 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <>
sayd the following:

(x) Laws already exist that forbid your neighbor from being a jerk
I fear retaliation if I were to report the noise to the police.
Someone who is already violating a noise ordinance law won't be to shy
from violating yet another law.

Sorry but I fear physical retaliation if I report.

Again, I am not asking to broadcast not more than 200 feet, maybe even
less than that.
Also, not at all hours of the day.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:26:53 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <>
sayd the following:

Furthermore, this is what I think about you:
( ) We're really close, but still no cigar.
I agree with you're idea in general--maybe one day in the future...
( ) Sorry dude, but I don't think it would work
(x) This is a stupid idea, and you're a stupid person for suggesting
Then what do you call my dozen or so neighbors who think it's ok to
send thumping music to the inside of my home?
I'm talking about sound and bass so loud that it vibrates my own body
and rattles all the windows in my house.

I'm reacting to someone violating me and fail to see how that would
make me a stupid person.

Would you call a victim of an assault stupid for purchasing a gun and
obtaining a conceal and carry permit?

I should have the right to have a quiet setting "inside" my own home.
I am not asking for silence outdoors or anywhere else.

The people who are doing this are gangbangers and would likely
retaliate with violence if they found out I was the one who kept
calling the police.

To start, I shouldn't be the one needing to do anything at all.
Wishing to have a silent 'inside' home is not what I would call a
bizarre concept.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:12:52 -0400, Robert Blass <blame@messenger.xcx>

On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:26:53 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <
sayd the following:

Furthermore, this is what I think about you:
( ) We're really close, but still no cigar.
I agree with you're idea in general--maybe one day in the future...
( ) Sorry dude, but I don't think it would work
(x) This is a stupid idea, and you're a stupid person for suggesting

Then what do you call my dozen or so neighbors who think it's ok to
send thumping music to the inside of my home?
I'm talking about sound and bass so loud that it vibrates my own body
and rattles all the windows in my house.

I have to say I'm with you there. I hate those almost sub-audible
repeatable thumping muddy bass notes.

A Tesla Coil driver with high energy PS and spark gap would probably
do it.

I took my hatchet went over to the neighbors and chopped his 220 V
supply at the pole. After all was said and done - I was lucky. No
one pressed charges because they couldn't verify the noise level and
the police never responded to my earlier complaints. The prosecutor
dropped the charges.

As for chopping wires on the pole - DON'T DO IT. I wasted a nice
Swedish steel axe that went cross country with me. The noise and
light show, and satisfaction . . . worth the cost of the axe.

I'm reacting to someone violating me and fail to see how that would
make me a stupid person.

Would you call a victim of an assault stupid for purchasing a gun and
obtaining a conceal and carry permit?

I should have the right to have a quiet setting "inside" my own home.
I am not asking for silence outdoors or anywhere else.

The people who are doing this are gangbangers and would likely
retaliate with violence if they found out I was the one who kept
calling the police.

To start, I shouldn't be the one needing to do anything at all.
Wishing to have a silent 'inside' home is not what I would call a
bizarre concept.

You feel weak and victimized. You are probably smart enough to find a
way around this problem. Try diplomacy - talk to them first - assume
the supplicant position. Never hurts to try. You can always get
nasty if that fails.

Don't threaten - appear reasonable. Work the system if you can.
Get witnesses. The law is there - use it. Don't take "no" for an

Communications first - we all have to live on this planet. Any time
you need a lawyer to resolve a problem - you've already lost.

Keep your cool, be nice. Don't ever be anything but nice towards

Now if all that fails - there's always really nasty retaliation - you
can easily learn about your neighbors and cause them to lose jobs, cut
their power, wreck their credit, etc., but that's last resort

When you get to that stage of thinking you have to consider your own
arrest and incarceration - moving is easier.

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On 2008-09-27, Robert Blass <blame@messenger.xcx> wrote:

I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

I have a couple of hundred dollars to spend on this project and also
have a lot of free time these days on my hands.

As far as a electrical power source I have up to the 110 volts coming
into my home as a source and as low as a 1.5 volt battery. I also have
a power supply that mimics a standard car battery's 12 volts of power.
with that budget I think you'd have to connect the device directly to
the speaker.

Can one of you get me started with the basics so that I can eventually
build such a device?
I'm not certain what you are trying to achieve. If you are frustrated
by moving noise machines then I don't think a technological solution
will serve you well. anything strong enough to stop them will be illegal
and easily detected.

Another Thing: I used a computer program many years ago that simulated
a very simple circuit to check for faults and errors. Does such a
program exist today in the Windows environment for simple designs
which is free or nearly free to troubleshoot the project to save as
much money as possible? I'd hate to spend $100 on parts and have it
blow up just because I made some rookie mistake if you understand what
I mean?
it'll not protect you from all rookie mistakes because no simulation
is perfect.

sci.electronics.basics AND
probably best to stick to the basics group for now.

On 2008-09-28, Robert Blass <blame@messenger.xcx> wrote:
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:21:14 -0600, donald <
sayd the following:

Robert Blass wrote:
I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.

What makes you think this will work, at any power level ?

Because for a few years we had a guy who would drive up and down the
road with an amplified CB radio. This would come through load-n-clear
on any device connected to a speaker as long as it was in the on
position. When the device was off we'd never hear the CB guy talking.

I'm not talking about broadcasting for a large distance. I'd just like
to broadcast 100-200 feet toward the road is all.
maybe you could get a CB? those things don't broadcast at 20-1000Hz
though, they're up around 27Mhz, it's imperfections in the amplifier
that cause the CB transmission to come out the loudspeaker.

On 2008-09-28, Robert Blass <blame@messenger.xcx> wrote:
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:26:53 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <
sayd the following:

(x) Laws already exist that forbid your neighbor from being a jerk

I fear retaliation if I were to report the noise to the police.
Someone who is already violating a noise ordinance law won't be to shy
from violating yet another law.
so instead you propose to violate a different law in retalliation?

you'd do better to throw a brick with a note through his window.
it's cheaper and you have less chance of being caught.

Robert Blass wrote:

No it's those loud bass thumping stereos from cars that drive by
Not a hope in hell. Take their plate numbers down and report them for
audible disturbance. Your local ordinances may have a clause to deal with

Robert Blass wrote:

If it's ok for them to interfere with me then they should be willing
to let me do the same thing.
The 'American way' strikes again. See the war in Iraq, except you got the
wrong guys.

Robert Blass wrote:

On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:20:21 -0400, "Tom Biasi"> sayd the following:

20 Hz to 1KHz is only going to get into the speaker through wires. (barring
extreme magnetic energy to pull the cone out at 100 yards:) )

I just need less than 200 feet of distance to transmit a simple sin
wave noise overlapping the stereo speakers inside a car driving by the
Your total ignorance of technology isn't going to help you.

Robert Blass wrote:

JeffM <> sayd the following:

(x) Laws already exist that forbid your neighbor from being a jerk

I fear retaliation if I were to report the noise to the police.
I'd fear retaliation from all your other neighbours who would be similarly
inconvenienced if you made something that could work. Lynch mobs aren't
much fun.

Robert Blass wrote:

JeffM sayd the following:

Furthermore, this is what I think about you:
( ) We're really close, but still no cigar.
I agree with you're idea in general--maybe one day in the future...
( ) Sorry dude, but I don't think it would work
(x) This is a stupid idea, and you're a stupid person for suggesting

Then what do you call my dozen or so neighbors who think it's ok to
send thumping music to the inside of my home?
I'm talking about sound and bass so loud that it vibrates my own body
and rattles all the windows in my house.
Doubtless covered by local laws (national in the UK - you can have your
audio equipment confiscated and destroyed if a regular offender).

It's not a trailer park is it ?

Robert Blass wrote:
I am in need of how exactly to build a transmitter @ 20hz-1KHZ at a
high enough wattage to overcome/overload a simple stereo speaker.
Yes I did mean 20 HERTZ to One Kilo-Hertz.

I have a couple of hundred dollars to spend on this project and also
have a lot of free time these days on my hands.

As far as a electrical power source I have up to the 110 volts coming
into my home as a source and as low as a 1.5 volt battery. I also have
a power supply that mimics a standard car battery's 12 volts of power.

Can one of you get me started with the basics so that I can eventually
build such a device?
** Any mono or stereo audio amplifier would be useable for the (antenna)
The antenna is a differnt matter - depends on the amount of wire ou
are willing to use, the size of the loop, etc.
Nothing has been said about the receiver: placement, distance, etc.

It's not for a job or college project and it is simply my need to
understand and learn this concept if possible.

I do know how to read simple, very simple, schematics.
** Do not need a schematic for an audio amplifier; least expensive is
to use one that you alredy have.

Another Thing: I used a computer program many years ago that simulated
a very simple circuit to check for faults and errors. Does such a
program exist today in the Windows environment for simple designs
which is free or nearly free to troubleshoot the project to save as
much money as possible? I'd hate to spend $100 on parts and have it
blow up just because I made some rookie mistake if you understand what
I mean?


p.s. Message was sent to 2 newsgroups
sci.electronics.basics AND

If this was the wrong thing to do, cross-posting, then please tell me
which newsgroup I should post to in the future.

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