John Fields
On Sun, 07 Jun 2009 00:03:06 +0100, Nobody <nobody@nowhere.com> wrote:
Oh, my, how smart you want us to think you are, what with that 12F508
How many piezo speakers with only one pin can you cite?
Geez, where do you creeps come from?
I'm thinking bad coupling.
---On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 18:53:16 +0000, Jon Kirwan wrote:
[The problem I have with "doing up a microcontroller solution" for you
(which I'd otherwise consider doing free for a moment, at least), is
that no matter what I did you'd need some way of "setting the time."
This means an input device and some means of letting you know what the
clock thinks. Two-way communication of some kind. It's possible,
though perhaps difficult, to consider doing this using a single push
button and a single LED. Short and long LED blinks can communicate
surprising amounts of information.
A piezo speaker is slightly more expensive than an LED, but still only
needs one pin, and allows for different frequency beeps. Or even speech
synthesis (but that's pushing it on a 12F508, though).
Oh, my, how smart you want us to think you are, what with that 12F508
How many piezo speakers with only one pin can you cite?
---Even simpler electronically: telephone-style pulse dialling. One input,
no outputs.
Geez, where do you creeps come from?
I'm thinking bad coupling.