Adam Aglionby
"Baphomet" <fandanospam@catskill.net> wrote in message
2001,which did not use improvised explosive devices, despite people like
Timothy McVeigh , or the UnaBomber.These people are unlikely to have asked
on a newsgroup for advice on construction.
Living in the U.K gives me a different perspective on terrorism perhaps.For
many years we lived in the shadow of Irish terrorism, kept funded in part by
donations from residents in the U.S. I was a motorcycle courier collecting
news footage from Lockerbie in the immediate aftermath of the Pan Am
One must always guard against erosion of freedom, this is as true now, as it
was when Mr Franklin was about.
There never has been freedom for terrorist to act with impunity, but it does
not stop the terrorists. Guantanamo Bay is possibly an example of a slippery
slope, that represents sacrifice of freedom against a claim of increased
Think I mentioned pyrotechnics which have been providing entertainment since
before Christ.
Sure that some of those responsible for landing man on the moon and
launching satellites had their interest stimulated by energetic reactions
when they were young.
Explosives are an essential part of demolition , quarrying and even
manufacture.This is ignoring the huge investment by the military in
explosive development.
It is to be regretted that you have a very narrow view of what valid science
table for receiving a Darwin Award....
To Americans terrorism seems only to have started afer 11th SeptemberSNIP...SNIP...SNIP...
To be honest I am more disturbed about the muttering of people about
Homeland Security in the U.S..Think Benjamin Franklin is generally
attributed the quote about those who would sacrifice freedom for
deserving neither.
Without getting unnecessarily political (only because this is an
inappropriate newsgroup for such) I was the one who made the original
reference to Homeland Security in this thread...and it was done in jest
followed with the obligatory
Ben Franklin, great thinker that he was and with this particular platitude
notwithstanding, didn't live in a post 9-11 era. What freedoms have been
sacrificed? save the freedom to commit terrorist acts with impunity.
2001,which did not use improvised explosive devices, despite people like
Timothy McVeigh , or the UnaBomber.These people are unlikely to have asked
on a newsgroup for advice on construction.
Living in the U.K gives me a different perspective on terrorism perhaps.For
many years we lived in the shadow of Irish terrorism, kept funded in part by
donations from residents in the U.S. I was a motorcycle courier collecting
news footage from Lockerbie in the immediate aftermath of the Pan Am
One must always guard against erosion of freedom, this is as true now, as it
was when Mr Franklin was about.
There never has been freedom for terrorist to act with impunity, but it does
not stop the terrorists. Guantanamo Bay is possibly an example of a slippery
slope, that represents sacrifice of freedom against a claim of increased
There has been a great deal of equivocation in this thread about "bomb
building", chemistry sets, rocketry and education. That is pure bull. I
can't think of one positive reason for bomb building unless one has
aspirations of becoming a demolition expert, and even that goal is
Think I mentioned pyrotechnics which have been providing entertainment since
before Christ.
Sure that some of those responsible for landing man on the moon and
launching satellites had their interest stimulated by energetic reactions
when they were young.
Explosives are an essential part of demolition , quarrying and even
manufacture.This is ignoring the huge investment by the military in
explosive development.
It is to be regretted that you have a very narrow view of what valid science
Experimenting with explosives is a good way to move yourself up the leaguePerhaps I shouldn't have said anything and let Tom Rastell, the sociopath
training, blow his damn fool head off.
table for receiving a Darwin Award....