How do we design a box (enclosure) for an electronic product

Fred Abse wrote:

On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 00:08:41 -0700, JeffM wrote:

plastic is much
easier/cheaper to fab than metal

Disagree. Most plastics don't fold worth a damn, and can be difficult to
join with "normal" workshop methods.
Thermoplasts (for example perspex, polyethylene, -propylene or -styrene)
can be folded by cutting a grove along the foldline, about 1/3 - 1/2 as
deep as the material is thick and 1 mm wide. Then use a blow drier to
warm the plastic and fold over a table corner or the like.

Note however that plastic does not screen electromagnetic fields.
Sensitive circuits (like preamplifiers) or those working with high
frequencies (anything containing microprocessors) should be in a metal
box, to avoid EMI problems. And of course anything working on mains,
unless you can do double insulation.

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