How do I make dual-port RAM from single port RAM?


Frank @ CN

Hi, there:

In my application, a RAM needs to be written/read from two sets of
data/address ports
simultaneously. However, in the ASIC library I can only instantiate some
single port RAM
and RAM which can be written in one port and read from the other port.

How shall I solve this problem?

Thank you.
In my application, a RAM needs to be written/read from two sets of
data/address ports simultaneously.
estimate your worst case data rates and take a ram with
the sum of these data-rates (plus overhead) ...

then you need to build some logic to switch between
Port A and B to transfer concurrent access to a
sequential access scheme

Frank @ CN wrote:
Hi, there:

In my application, a RAM needs to be written/read from two sets of
data/address ports
simultaneously. However, in the ASIC library I can only instantiate some
single port RAM
and RAM which can be written in one port and read from the other port.

How shall I solve this problem?

Thank you.
You might get a better idea of the particulars by looking at a data
sheet for IDT dual-port memories. (
For some applications 2 Srams can be used in an alternate buffer
configuration. I assume your 2 ports have similar issue rates otherwise
you may have to mux in time.
Frank, you posted this in the FPGA newsgroup.
In FPGAs, most RAM structures are naturally dual-ported, e.g. the
Virtex BlockRAMs.
You get two ports, whether you asked for it or not!
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications.

Frank @ CN wrote:
Hi, there:

In my application, a RAM needs to be written/read from two sets of
data/address ports
simultaneously. However, in the ASIC library I can only instantiate some
single port RAM
and RAM which can be written in one port and read from the other port.

How shall I solve this problem?

Thank you.
For dual read ports and a single write port, this is easy. You just
use two RAMs and always write to both of them together, but read from
them separately, with each treated as a separate read port. For dual
write ports, it gets a lot harder.
"Peter Alfke" <> wrote in message
Frank, you posted this in the FPGA newsgroup.
In FPGAs, most RAM structures are naturally dual-ported, e.g. the
Virtex BlockRAMs.
You get two ports, whether you asked for it or not!
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications.
Yeah, the original codes are designed with Xilinx DPRAM with a functional
now I need to convert the codes into ASIC implementation. The tougher part
of it is, I
have little understanding of the functionality of the design.
<> wrote in message
For dual read ports and a single write port, this is easy. You just
use two RAMs and always write to both of them together, but read from
them separately, with each treated as a separate read port. For dual
write ports, it gets a lot harder.
Yeah, there are RAMs in the ASIC library supporting dual read/single write.
I need to make dual read/write out of it. How can I do it now?

As someone else suggested, you could time-multiplex the two ports,
which will take a double-speed clock and extra logic for the
multiplexing. And this assumes that you are treating this as a
synchronous RAM.

And someone else suggested that you look at your application and see
whether you really need a full dual-port RAM, or whether you are
dealing with a special case where you can segregate it into independent

You could build the memory from multiple smaller RAMs and add decode
logic to allow you to do two writes, as long as the writes were to
separate RAMs. If they weren't, one of them would have to wait until
the next cycle. This requires that the other logic trying to do the
write be able to wait if the memory was "busy". Note that real
dual-port memories are effectively implemented this way, except that
the RAM granularity is a single word in the memory. The designers of
those have the advantage that they are designing all the decode logic,
down to the word level.

You can reduce the chance of collisions in this scheme by choosing
which address bits select a RAM and which ones select a word in the
RAM, if you know something about the likely access patterns. For
example, it may be more likely that two memory writes are going to the
same half of the memory than that they are both going to even (or odd)

If you can't multiplex, and can't deal with collisions, then you are
out of luck. If you want to use predefined RAMs with their predefined
single-port decoding logic, then you are stuck. Getting true dual-port
requires specialized decode logic in the RAM.
Sounds like a powerful FPGA argument:
Ifyou really need a true dual-port memory (read and write from either
or both ports simultaneously), you are out-of-luck in the ASIC world,
but you can do this just fine in FPGAs.
Nice to know we have such an edge...
Peter Alfke, Xilinx
"Frank @ CN" <> skrev i meddelandet
Hi, there:

In my application, a RAM needs to be written/read from two sets of
data/address ports
simultaneously. However, in the ASIC library I can only instantiate some
single port RAM
and RAM which can be written in one port and read from the other port.

How shall I solve this problem?

Thank you.

You can instantiate FOUR rams and implement a valid bit for each location in
a register.
PortA can write to RAM0,RAM1 and read from RAM0 and RAM2
PortB can write to RAM2,RAM3 and read from RAM1 and RAM3

When PortA writes to address position 17, both RAM0[17] and RAM1[17] are
updated and the
VALID_BIT[17] is set to 0 indicating that RAM0,1 are valid instead of

When PortB reads address position 17, both RAM1 and RAM3 are read.
A multiplexer on the output is controlled by the selected VALID_BIT,
and since VALID_BIT[17] is zero, it will select the output of RAM1 over

Obviously this is going to use some gates,so it is not practical for large
Running the RAM at 2 x frequency is going to cost a lot less.

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson
This is intended to be my personal opinion which may,
or may bot be shared by my employer Atmel Nordic AB
So if you are back porting from FPGA to ASIC something stands out right
away which makes this even more messy. Your logic & wiring paths will
now gain significantly in performance but a comparable DPRAM is similar
in performance between ASIC and FPGA for same feature and memory sizes
since they are the same thing (almost). Perhaps there is an option to
double up processing on the logic side rather than try to double up on
SPRAM side.

At this point I can only suggest before continuing with the ASIC, redo
the FPGA design so that it also only uses 1 port atleast you don't burn
masks, tie your hand behind your back on the cheap. Then it should be
easier to convert, atleast you can prove the redesign before

Your other option if you really really must use 2 concurrent writes
with no other possibility is to go and get a DP WW RAM core from one of
the ASIC IP houses, Mentor, Cadence, Synopsys and a couple of others
come to mind, not sure who has which. I thought most of the asian
foundries would include such blocks in their library, otherwise it
seems you have a limited library.

So what is the application, & size of DP WW RAM ?

The reason I ask for DP WW size is that for applications in say DSP and
data buffering, the memory size might be large but there are possible
options in architecture.

In say a cpu datapath design with a N way ported register file the
options may be far fewer but the size may be much smaller and ameniable
to brute force as suggested by the 4 way Ulf design. That probably
requires that a DP WW store stiil needs to be built but only for 1 bit
direction flag and to the granularity of words or super words if I
understand it right.

I just converted a quad port 2r2w to F/Fs this morning; luckily, it
was easy to simplify. You don't give enough info - are the clocks
related? How big is it? Do you have higher frequency clocks available?

Curious that you should have a library with no 2rw memories in it. Can
you tell us whose it is? It sounds like it may too new to be usable.

I've been trying to follow your problem and now have time to lend some
help. I'm going to approach this from a black-box design point of view.

First question is how are in implementing it or what language are you
using (VHDL, Verilog or something else)?

What size device are you looking to create (data and address bus
width)? Or are you trying to create a library device?

What device and signals in the original design being used?

Presumably this depends on what ASIC libraries you have. There is no
inherent reason that an ASIC library could not include dual-port
memories. Apparently the original poster's didn't.
That is a clever solution that I hadn't thought of. Of course, your
VALID_BIT array needs the capabilities of a true dual-port memory. So
this doesn't really build a dual-port memory just out of RAMs. It
builds it from 4 RAMs and a smaller dual-port memory (just as many
elements, but only 1 bit wide). You would have to build that smaller
dual-port memory out of flip-flops. The result still might be smaller
than building the full-size memory out of flip-flops.
Use 2 1Wr2Rd RAMs that are in your library.

Rather than writing a value to both RAMs, write the XOR of the read
value from the other RAM with the write data. To read the valid data,
read the value in both RAMs and XOR them. The read XOR will provide
the last data written to that location. This gets you most of the way.

If you have a write to both ports at the same address - invalid in some
dual-port memories - collision arbitration needs to decide who gets the
write; the winning RAM writes, the losing RAM doesn't. If both RAMs
write in a collision, the data is invalid.

If you guarantee that two writes to the same location never occur at
the same time, the only constraint is that writes to the same address
are never too close (write data becomes valid for read in RAM1 before
RAM2 uses the read data to update that address in RAM2).

This should give you 100% dual-port RAM without too much trouble. You
then only need to worry about the 1Wr2Rd RAM behavior as far as async
vs sync read-first versus sync write-first.

Frank @ CN wrote:
In my application, a RAM needs to be written/read from two sets of
data/address ports
simultaneously. However, in the ASIC library I can only instantiate some
single port RAM
and RAM which can be written in one port and read from the other port.

How shall I solve this problem?
If you have a faster clock available, one common way to solve
this kind of problem is to time-division multiplex the 1-ported RAM.
Essentially run two (or more) successive memory read/write
cycles one the ASIC, per one read/write time slot on the FPGA.

You can also use this technique inside an FPGA to make the
fast dual-port RAMs look like 4 or more ported, but slower,

rhn A.T nicholson d.0.t C-o-M
<> escribió en el mensaje
Or perhaps what you are missing is that each of these RAMs has a read
port and a write port, which can be used simultaneously with
independent addresses. This was one of the components that was
described as being available. So PortB can be reading address 17 of
RAM1 at the same time PortA is writing address 22 of RAM1.

After reading your post I went back to the OP, and it was _clearly_ stated
the availability of such a component.

Thank you for pointing it out.

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