Weng Tianxiang
Sometimes, when an if statement misses a "else" statement part in a
method for a state machine, a latch-type state machine would be built.
I always wondering how the state machine is built: using all latches
for the state machine
or using only one latch for the state which misses a "else" statement
Here is the code.
Process_1 : process(RESET, CLK)
if RESET = '1' then
State_A <= S0;
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
State_A <= State_NS;
end if;
end process;
Process_2 : process(...)
case State_A is
when S0 =>
if C01 = '1' then
State_NS <= S1;
elsif C02 = '1' then
State_NS <= S2; -- missing a "else" part
-- a latch is generated
end if;
when S1 => -- the followings are normal coding
when others =>
end case;
end process
I ask how the state latch S0 is generated.
Here is latch logic equation:
Latch_S0_Data <= '1';
Latch_S0_E <=
Sometimes, when an if statement misses a "else" statement part in a
method for a state machine, a latch-type state machine would be built.
I always wondering how the state machine is built: using all latches
for the state machine
or using only one latch for the state which misses a "else" statement
Here is the code.
Process_1 : process(RESET, CLK)
if RESET = '1' then
State_A <= S0;
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
State_A <= State_NS;
end if;
end process;
Process_2 : process(...)
case State_A is
when S0 =>
if C01 = '1' then
State_NS <= S1;
elsif C02 = '1' then
State_NS <= S2; -- missing a "else" part
-- a latch is generated
end if;
when S1 => -- the followings are normal coding
when others =>
end case;
end process
I ask how the state latch S0 is generated.
Here is latch logic equation:
Latch_S0_Data <= '1';
Latch_S0_E <=