sparky wrote:
Please don't get interested in mains electricity.Listen up, Peter. I'm quite aware that if you ask a stupid question
you can only expect a stupid answer, and that's exactly what I got.
However, though it may have sounded like a stupid question to you, it
didn't deserve a stupid answer because I asked it in good faith. My
boyfriend says it's all to do with resistance to the current flow in
the wire, and that if the wire is long and thin enough it won't get
hot. ('ro' x 'l') / 'a' where 'ro' is the resistivity of the wire's
material, 'l' is the length of the wire, and 'a' is the thickness of
it in metres. I'm still not sure exactly what it means, but at least
I now have something to go on in my google searches to find an
answer. You don't have to help me if it's beneath you to talk to a
girl about electricity. I'm used to that kind of intolerance from
insecure men. Jeeze, I'm glad I the foresight to change my name
before embarrassing myself here.