I was browsing through my junk collection and think I
have the elements to make a hot-wire foam cutter, was
wondering if anyone here had made one before? I've got
a roll of small-guage NiChrome wire, a wall-switch style
light dimmer, a large transformer that I think was 115V in
and 24V out for an HVAC application, and the assorted bits
of wood and metal to make the actual hot wire frame assembly.
My thought was to run 115V into the dimmer, use the output
through the transformer, and the transformer output to the
wire. I wasn't too concerned with the voltages because I
figure the dimmer will allow me to get voltage/currents to
where they would work well. I'll have all high-voltage stuff
in appropriate enclosures and will use a 5A breaker on the
inbound circuit for safety.
Does this sound like a plan? Or should I be updating my
beneficiary information on my life insurance plan?
Please reply to jsavage"at"airmail.net.
Curse those darned bulk e-mailers!
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of
supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to
live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry
have the elements to make a hot-wire foam cutter, was
wondering if anyone here had made one before? I've got
a roll of small-guage NiChrome wire, a wall-switch style
light dimmer, a large transformer that I think was 115V in
and 24V out for an HVAC application, and the assorted bits
of wood and metal to make the actual hot wire frame assembly.
My thought was to run 115V into the dimmer, use the output
through the transformer, and the transformer output to the
wire. I wasn't too concerned with the voltages because I
figure the dimmer will allow me to get voltage/currents to
where they would work well. I'll have all high-voltage stuff
in appropriate enclosures and will use a 5A breaker on the
inbound circuit for safety.
Does this sound like a plan? Or should I be updating my
beneficiary information on my life insurance plan?
Please reply to jsavage"at"airmail.net.
Curse those darned bulk e-mailers!
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of
supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to
live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry