Monte P McGuire
In article <1081450766.765131@nnrp2.phx1.gblx.net>,
Kurt Albershardt <kurt@nv.net> wrote:
effect on my gear. I use it mostly to prevent downtime on my computer
in the event of random power glitches and it works pretty well so far.
I also use it to power the analog and digital stuff in the recording
path (but not the monitor path) so that if I'm tracking and I get a
brief glitch, nothing bad happens. So far, the noise from the
SmartUPS hasn't been a problem.
Monte McGuire
Kurt Albershardt <kurt@nv.net> wrote:
I'l have to take a look.. Still, this level of noise seems to have noMonte P McGuire wrote:
The only thing I'd recommend is using a UPS if you'll operate a DAW
and you don't want to deal with short outages and glitches. The APC
SmartUPS sine wave output models are pretty good for this use. I bill
out time on my rig, and having a UPS prevents downtime, which saves
They do the job and at a very reasonable price, but their output waveform is still pretty noisy. Stick a
'scope across the line and yank the plug sometime...
Best and Oneac both make small UPSes with clean outputs.
effect on my gear. I use it mostly to prevent downtime on my computer
in the event of random power glitches and it works pretty well so far.
I also use it to power the analog and digital stuff in the recording
path (but not the monitor path) so that if I'm tracking and I get a
brief glitch, nothing bad happens. So far, the noise from the
SmartUPS hasn't been a problem.
Monte McGuire