Winfield Hill
Adrian Jansen wrote...
pathway. My use was a direct connection, but in a power circuit.
Yes, 1.6uF of capacitance raises one's eyebrows, but the 500A 10V
clamping capability already puts the 5KP6.0 into a rarified class.
- Win
Indeed, but it would never be used that way, directly on a signalOne can only imagine what the output waveform might be like after
feeding a resistor in series with one of those things to ground, with
a few volts of sinewave at some frequency where the RC is significant.
pathway. My use was a direct connection, but in a power circuit.
Yes, 1.6uF of capacitance raises one's eyebrows, but the 500A 10V
clamping capability already puts the 5KP6.0 into a rarified class.
- Win