Now, when I do a google image search, I click a picture and I get a box
on the right side about 43% of the width, with that picture I clicked
on, on top and a little text below and then 6 or 8 more picture below
that. First off, I saw the picture I wanted the info about, second
when I click on the picture again, sometime it takes me back to the
picture. It's like groundhog day.
Anyway is there something I need to change or is this the latest and
greatest from the 20 somethings.
on the right side about 43% of the width, with that picture I clicked
on, on top and a little text below and then 6 or 8 more picture below
that. First off, I saw the picture I wanted the info about, second
when I click on the picture again, sometime it takes me back to the
picture. It's like groundhog day.
Anyway is there something I need to change or is this the latest and
greatest from the 20 somethings.