Rod Speed
John Tserkezis wrote:
insurance system encourages loony bins to keep the loonys in for
as long as they can get away with that, for the insurance money,
right thruout the modern first world now they only keep people in
loony bins when they are a real danger to themselves and others.
And even then, they take one hell of a risk with real loonys,
essentially because the risk of them killing someone is so low.
You only have to look at the list that the cops have ended up executing to see that.
particularly the ones that deny they are mad.
Dunno if you realise that PE has been involuntarily committed at least
twice now, and basically told the judge that they couldnt put him in the
loony bin because PE is god, and the constitution doesnt allow that.
So completely out of his tree that he couldnt manage to grasp that
thats all the proof the judge needed that he is completely barking mad.
The email works, it looks like its munged, but its not, use it like it is.
loony bins and there is one hell of a pressure to let the loonys out now.
of the rest because of the pressure on places in the bins now.
to so many of the locked wards being closed down now.
Corse most of the loonys do prefer to not be in the bins.
region free DVD player his wife should get for him that he could
use while he was in the bin. It had a rather complex system for
making it region free and I was amazed at how coherent he was
even while he was proclaiming that some god was absolutely
certainly communicating directly with him, because he managed
to end up with a particular message with the number 666 in one
of the online forums. That was just before he ended up completely
barking mad and decided that he is actually god.
They arent liable even in the US.Asazel wrote
I thought I'd throw my 2c in.
Most of what you're saying is pretty much on the ball, however,
you're not playing the sanity card anymore. In mental hospitals
(or at least some of them), the rules have little to do with helping
people, and more with liability. That is, are you in a position that
the hospital would least likely be liable for anything stupid you did
once they let you out.
It doesnt actually work like that. Except in the US where their stupidSo how do you get out of the looney-bin? What do you need to say
to get out? If you say "This is all a big mistake....someone told some
lies about me and it led to me being locked up." they will report
your lack of insight and your paranoid delusions. They are not
intersted to hear the fine details of your argument. Psychiatrists
have long ago learned that analyzing the fine details of a
delusional story is a waste of time. Instead they look for "themes".
Themes such as "persecution". So if you say "Person X did this to
me" you are paranoid. Or themes such as grandiosity. So if you say
"I know why person X did this... I was just about to bust his ass in
court" you are grandiose. You think you have special powers.
Great, but this only works if you're stable. Because you need
to spend time chatting with the nurses, you need to actively
participate in the activities they offer, and the learning curve
works both ways. Not only do they see how you're proceeding,
YOU get to learn what's "required" of you to get out.
insurance system encourages loony bins to keep the loonys in for
as long as they can get away with that, for the insurance money,
right thruout the modern first world now they only keep people in
loony bins when they are a real danger to themselves and others.
And even then, they take one hell of a risk with real loonys,
essentially because the risk of them killing someone is so low.
Like hell it does right thruout the modern first world.And (sadly) your sanity has little to do with it.
Basically, it comes down to liability again.
They let loons that are at a significant risk of harming themselves or others go.If you're least likely to harm yourself, or others, THEN they'll let you go.
You only have to look at the list that the cops have ended up executing to see that.
It cant actually be addressed with many of them,Though I want to stress that this does not necessarily
mean your mental disability (either real or self-induced
for the purposes of an experiment) is addressed. At all.
particularly the ones that deny they are mad.
Dunno if you realise that PE has been involuntarily committed at least
twice now, and basically told the judge that they couldnt put him in the
loony bin because PE is god, and the constitution doesnt allow that.
So completely out of his tree that he couldnt manage to grasp that
thats all the proof the judge needed that he is completely barking mad.
The email works, it looks like its munged, but its not, use it like it is.
Or even take your meds, because you believe that you dont have a problem.So don't bother with the normal, regular arguments that would steer
your path through the courts. What you need to say is this ... "I
realize now that person X is not out to get me. For a while I
thought he was and I was confused. But now I feel better. I know
that my thinking was wrong and I recognize that I became angry and
agitated and fearful for a while, and I'm sorry. I feel better now
and I know that nobody is trying to discredit me and I admit that I
yelled all those things a few days ago. But even though they seemed
to be true then, I realize now that they were not true."
Say this, and you've got a ticket home.
Unfortunately, if you really do suffer from some form of mental
disability, it's quite possible that you cannot separate what's going
on inside your head with reality. So you're really not in a position
to do any of that.
The modern reality is that they dont have anything like enough places inIt's more likely you'll shift from episodes to periods of lucidity.
In this state, you can indeed do as you say above.
However, they'll keep you in there for long enough to gather paterns.
And if you're unstable it's not going to happen.
It's enough of a chore for for anyone sane let alone if you're ill.
loony bins and there is one hell of a pressure to let the loonys out now.
Not anymore. ALL you have to do is not be as mad as someSo the answer to your question is sort of "yes". After the diagnosis
of insanity has been made, your best strategy is to admit the
diagnosis even if you think it wrong. Denying the diagnisis will
simply get you more and more trouble. Admit the diagnosis,
say you feel better now and everyone will get off your case.
Providing you're otherwise stable, and just part of an experiment,
once you're part of the system, you're right. It's the only way out.
of the rest because of the pressure on places in the bins now.
Yes it will now.It's important to note that this is only one small part of the process.
Just saying you're crazy and you've realised the error of your ways
isn't going to do it.
Not anymore, the world has moved on, essentially dueIt's a longer process, that unfortunately, will frustrate experiment
subjects to the point they might bit back. At which point, you're
automatically proved that you are indeed staying for the long haul.
Even if you're well.
to so many of the locked wards being closed down now.
Corse most of the loonys do prefer to not be in the bins.
PE actually rang me from the bin, quite literally, to ask me whichProblem is, of course that it's then on the record that you have
admitted to insanity. So anything you say subsequently can be
dismissed as insane rantings.
No, the doctors and nurses are not stupid. They do however
work within the confines of their higher orders. So you ARE
playing a game, just it's not the game you THINK it is.
As long as you can hold an intelligent conversation, ask sensible
questions, are patient, participate in activities they may ask of you,
are patient, hold your tongue if they're ignoring you, or pissing you
off, or another patient is pissing you off...
region free DVD player his wife should get for him that he could
use while he was in the bin. It had a rather complex system for
making it region free and I was amazed at how coherent he was
even while he was proclaiming that some god was absolutely
certainly communicating directly with him, because he managed
to end up with a particular message with the number 666 in one
of the online forums. That was just before he ended up completely
barking mad and decided that he is actually god.
Corse they do with medication.It's difficult enough if there's otherwise nothing wrong with you, and
at the end of the day, even if you ARE ill, they don't actually help.
Its nothing like that now.So sadly, the only people go get out, are either sane, or stable for
long enough to convince them you're not going to blow up anything,
yourself included.
That utterly mangles the real story.This fares badly for those who really need help, because
their diagnosis never really sees the light of day.