Arnold stewart
This TV (Electrohome/Mitsubishi Model 69CK03, Chassis UM2-C-10R) would
power up and immediately blow the fuse on the "cold" side of the circuit
board. On the "hot" side (power supply) after changing the bridge
rectifier, everything checks normal. I get 125 volts using a 100W light
bulb at the (removed) collecter of the HOT. I changed the flyback. The
fuse no longer blows, but the TV goes into shutdown. I removed the CRT
circuit board, then pressed the power button and got zapped by the high
voltage. No longer taking a chance with my finger on the power button, I
used a remote to turn on the TV. There's a cap between the two 120V
line inputs (.01mfd 250V). A piece of plastic surrounds part of the
circuit board. When powering up the TV, arcing occurs from one end of
the cap to the plastic. I checked the plastic. There's nothing under it.
This is arcing from one of the line inputs. I removed the anode from
the TV and measured the high voltage. My meter went up to 40K. I
disconnected the TV before it got any higher. No arcing occured with the
anode disconnected.
I think that the high voltage is crossing over from the "cold" side to
the "hot" side of the board. Or from the anode to the ground straps on
the TV tube, to all grounds on the board. Any comments?
power up and immediately blow the fuse on the "cold" side of the circuit
board. On the "hot" side (power supply) after changing the bridge
rectifier, everything checks normal. I get 125 volts using a 100W light
bulb at the (removed) collecter of the HOT. I changed the flyback. The
fuse no longer blows, but the TV goes into shutdown. I removed the CRT
circuit board, then pressed the power button and got zapped by the high
voltage. No longer taking a chance with my finger on the power button, I
used a remote to turn on the TV. There's a cap between the two 120V
line inputs (.01mfd 250V). A piece of plastic surrounds part of the
circuit board. When powering up the TV, arcing occurs from one end of
the cap to the plastic. I checked the plastic. There's nothing under it.
This is arcing from one of the line inputs. I removed the anode from
the TV and measured the high voltage. My meter went up to 40K. I
disconnected the TV before it got any higher. No arcing occured with the
anode disconnected.
I think that the high voltage is crossing over from the "cold" side to
the "hot" side of the board. Or from the anode to the ground straps on
the TV tube, to all grounds on the board. Any comments?