Trevor Wilson
Jamie wrote:
scumbag, religious nutter, we can assume that all US Presidents are
similarly afflicted and, by extension, every US citizen is the same? Is that
your contention?
Trevor Wilson
**So, by your peculiar logic, because George W Bush was deranged, lyingTrevor Wilson wrote:
Jerry Peters wrote:
Trevor Wilson <trevor@spamblockrageaudio.com.au> wrote:
N_Cook wrote:
Arfa Daily <arfa.daily@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
"Franc Zabkar" <fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote in message
I plan to reduce my own CO2 emissions by not talking about them.
- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
I wouldn't worry about it Franc. Judging by the stuff I'm reading
at the moment about the 'massaged' data coming out of the
University of East Anglia, it's not going to have any genuine
effect anyway ...
I'm old enough to remember all the scare stories in the press
about the impending ice age coming, after the seas freezing over
around UK coasts.
**I'm old enough to remember that those silly ice age articles were
published in magazines like People, Newsweek and other populist
crap. Science, Nature and Scientific American stuck to the facts.
Those facts, of course, were concerned with the very serious
problem of CO2 being a major influence in global warming.
Except that *water vapor* is the major "greenhouse" gas.
* Water vapour is certainly _the_ major GHG.
* I wrote: CO2 is _a_ major GHG. Note the emphasis.
* Water vapour persists for barely hours in the atmosphere.
* CO2 persists for hundreds of years in the atmosphere.
* CO2 is the second most significant GHG, accounting for between 9%
~ 26% of Solar forcing.
* There is not much we can do about water vapour.
* There is much that can be done to reduce CO2 emissions.
To get their dire predictions the climastrologists assume that
rising CO2 will cause a positive feedback effect with water vapor.
**It's CLIMATOLOGISTS, moron. Learn to spell it correctly. Learn a
little about the climate of this planet whilst you are at it. And
yes, More CO2 may well lead to most water vapour, thus exacerbating
the effect.
As for Scientific American, read their latest editorial on GW. It
sounds like the ravings of a left-wing loony conspiracy theorist.
**Except that Scientific American is concerned with, well, science.
Something you clearly have no knowledge of.
BTW, any one ever heard of the University of East Anglia *before*
the emails were leaked? Take a look at the money they've been
pulling in for their climate research.
**So? Are you attempting to link ONE instance where researchers
fucked up, with the thousands of researchers who have not?
I wasn't aware there was a difference?
The old saying goes.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
scumbag, religious nutter, we can assume that all US Presidents are
similarly afflicted and, by extension, every US citizen is the same? Is that
your contention?
Trevor Wilson