Generator "Back Feed" through GFI Outlet

On 11/30/2012 3:32 PM, Allodoxaphobia wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2012 10:12:45 -0600, bud-- wrote:
On 11/28/2012 11:24 AM, mike wrote:

I asked about interlocks and was beat bloody in the newsgroups that
those were NOT legal under any circumstances.

I have no idea what "the newsgroups" are.

I had to check your newsgroup posting headers to double check
that you weren't just another Google Grooper...
Better would have been "no idea which of the newsgroups you are
referring to".

Panel cover interlocks have come up at least a couple times since Sandy
on and many times before that.

I have watched this newsgroup for years - one of the more interesting
(for my interests).
On 12/1/2012 5:11 AM, wrote:
On Tue, 27 Nov 2012 15:57:37 -0500, in you wrote:


I am planning on getting a generator incase of a long term loss of
power. So far that has never happened to me, but I want to be prepared.

If such an event would occur, I would "open" the main breaker, then
use the generator outside in back of my house to "back feed" through

I removed the GFI outlet and installed a "regular" 20A outlet.
Note: Wire to that outlet is 12 gauge. Also, that outlet is on a 20A circuit
breaker. The generator I am waiting for has 20A outlets.


Way cool...
You've just deleted a lifetime of GFI safety for that outlet and any
possibly in code violation,
for your family and subsequent families who will live in that home.
The benefit is the possibility to maybe, someday, electrocute some
innocent person.

Don't worry mom, I've seen dad do this a hundred times...BzzzzzzT!

Only thing left to do is document it. It'll be here forever, but
it's even better if you print it out and tape it to the breaker box.

The hubris in these newsgroups is exceeded only by...well...I can't think
of anything.
bud-- wrote:
On 11/30/2012 3:32 PM, Allodoxaphobia wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2012 10:12:45 -0600, bud-- wrote:
On 11/28/2012 11:24 AM, mike wrote:

I asked about interlocks and was beat bloody in the newsgroups that
those were NOT legal under any circumstances.

I have no idea what "the newsgroups" are.

I had to check your newsgroup posting headers to double check
that you weren't just another Google Grooper...

Better would have been "no idea which of the newsgroups you are
referring to".

Panel cover interlocks have come up at least a couple times since Sandy
on and many times before that.

I have watched this newsgroup for years - one of the more interesting
(for my interests).

He trolled some of the other electronics newsgroups with this crap a
while back, and got the same replies.
"possibly in code violation"
HAHAHAHAHA. Anyone who has to even read the code to know not to backfeed like that should not be allowed near screwdrivers. Some people make such a good case against universal health coverage, like Tim the toolman Taylor.

Also, why not just use extension cords ? At least it's kinda safe. You only want to power certain things anyway. You wouldn't power a jacuzzi or central AC that way, but you might want to power the furnace if it's gas. That and the fridges/deepfreezes. After that you got maybe a DSL router, some PC maybe or charge a laptop, charge the cellphones. Cordless phones. NOT the 55" Pioneer.

By the time it's all said and done, you're best off installing a separate box and rerouting what you consider critical supplies to it. You can interrupt it there just fine, and I'd bet there is a ready made product just for that. (lol)

Do it right, unless you have enough lumber in the attic for a new house in case that one burns down.

Welcome to

