Phil Allison
"Arfa Daily"
A couple of things will tend to under rate the actual heat power delivered
by a microwave oven tested with a vessel of water.
1. An unsuitable vessel can absorb much of the energy.
2. Heat is lost to the surrounding air during the test.
3. The thermometer will usually under read the actual temperature rise.
So, use at least half a litre of water in a thin walled plastic container
and heat the water to no more than 60 degrees C.
Be damn quick with the thermometer and even then allow 10% for losses.
..... Phil
** Correct.Doing that, I discovered my microwave, labeled 900w, actually delivered
Then it was either faulty, or your maths is suspect. The quoted power on a
microwave oven is its output power, which is different from its line input
power, which will be quoted separately on the item's rating plate.
A couple of things will tend to under rate the actual heat power delivered
by a microwave oven tested with a vessel of water.
1. An unsuitable vessel can absorb much of the energy.
2. Heat is lost to the surrounding air during the test.
3. The thermometer will usually under read the actual temperature rise.
So, use at least half a litre of water in a thin walled plastic container
and heat the water to no more than 60 degrees C.
Be damn quick with the thermometer and even then allow 10% for losses.
..... Phil