On 4/30/2007 8:22 PM, The digits of Joerg's hands composed the following:
Download it and try. They give you a full 30 license to try it for free.
Yes Hitting "t" toggles transparency mode.Hawker wrote:
On 4/29/2007 9:07 PM, The digits of Joerg's hands composed the following:
David Novak wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to get reference designator information into
GC-Prevue? Whenever I use Jump to Component, I get the message
"Can't find a component called xx", where xx is the reference
designator I am trying to locate.
It appears that GC-Prevue does not have the reference designator
information that it needs.
Just went to the Graphicode web site because a client of mine will
soon need a Gerber viewer. I also checked out the higher (not free)
versions. Lo and behold GC PreView Plus does have silkscreen OCR.
Pretty cool. But it seems a bit pricey at $495.
I wish CAM350 had that. Oh well.
That is the first REAL usable feature that I have heard from that
product that I could not do in CAM350
Question: Does CAM350 have semi-transparent layer representation so you
can see through to at least one layer down? None of the viewers I tried
had that. Beats me why because it is a rather mundane but critical
feature. Without it one has to constantly hide/unhide layers. I've got a
huge layout coming and I am always thankful when I made it through one
without carpal tunnel problems.
Download it and try. They give you a full 30 license to try it for free.