Trevor Wilson
On 20/09/2021 5:52 am, Rod Speed wrote:
**Nope. It\'s all about the science. You know, the stuff you don\'t
understand and ignore.
Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote
keithr0 wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote
Phil Allison wrote
Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote
**Who gives fuck? Our PM is an insignificant shit-for-brains,
who is
incapable of organising a piss-up in a brewery.
** That that describes the TW ratbag quite well.
 > My opinion: Biden was a poor choice as POTUS.
** Massive understatement
 >Too old. HOWEVER, there was a worse choice for POTUS:
** Beware TOXIC web site run by even worse ratbags than TW.
**We are or were, somewhat strategically important. Our PM is
the most
insignificant, incompetent boob ever to inhabit the office. And
that idiot, Tony Abbott is on the same list. Arguably, Scummo
is worse.
** For the uninformed:
1.  TW is totally *besotted* with AGW theory, has been for two
**\"besotted\", \"for two decades\"? Try FIVE decades. I\'ve been
reading everything I can get my hands on about AGW theory since
the early 1970s. It was first postulated by my favourite
mathematician, Fourier, back in the first half of the 19th
century. That hypothesis was confirmed by Arrhenius, before the
end of the 19th century. Despite more than 100 years of trying,
deniers (like Abbott, Scummo, Bolt, Kelly, Jones, Murdoch, Trump,
et al) of AGW theory have been unable to prove Arrhenius wrong.
AGW theory is solid. If you wish to debate the subject with me, I
am always ready.
2.  The PM and former PM Abbot are not, like most sane people.
**Both Scummo and Abbott are religious frutcakes. They both
believe that there is an invisible monster (aka: God), who lives
in the sky and performs magic tricks. At NO TIME, in the entire
history of humanity, has there been any verifiable evidence to
show that such a monster exists, or has ever existed. ANY person
who subscribes to such beliefs is clearly delusional. If you feel
that such a monster exists, then you need to seek psycho-therapy.
3.  So he has an overwhelming need to hate them - just to keep
**\"Hate\"? No. Abbott and Scummo are clearly and provably
incapable of doing the job as PM of Australia. Both fucked up
badly. I don\'t \"hate\" them. I am, however, profoundly
disappointed in those morons who kept them in government.
4.  TW is a poster boy for the Dunning Kruger effect ( Google it)
5.  TW cannot justify any of his extreme ideas, not one.
**What \"extreme ideas\" do you refer to? AGW theory? You\'re on
VERY thin ice there. Feel free to discuss the issue with me. In
the mean time, spend a little effort here:
The problem with all that shit is that even if it is true,
There is no \"if\".
Really smart guys have been studying this stuff for a very long time.
It wasnât that long ago those same people were
claiming we were seeing global cooling.
AGW theory is solid and proven, both experimentally and observation
Easy to claim.
the world worked fine when the romans were growing
grapes in england and the vikings were in greenland
and clearly will work fine again if we see that again.
Provided you have property in Greenland, maybe.
The romans didnât need that.
However, if you think that the odd heatwave of 60 degrees C in
Victoria is a good thing,
That wasnât seen then and there is no reason
to believe that it would happen now.
How do you know that it wasn\'t seen then? The local inhabitants of
the time weren\'t very good at record keeping.
In fairness to Rod, average temperatures are hotter now than at any
time in human history.
There is no evidence of that.
It is highly unlikely that Victorian Aboriginals experienced such
temperature extremes. That will be our descendants\' futures.
Easy to hysterically claim.
**Nope. It\'s all about the science. You know, the stuff you don\'t
understand and ignore.