On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:47:50 +1000, Sylvia Else
<sylvia@not.at.this.address> wrote:
if the item has been opened, tampered with, or could have been
alterened in any way by the party returning it. This provision is
often ignored by many stores. This provision is always ignored by HD,
and a couple of other stores that will remain unnamed! <bg>
he returned six weeks ago!
<sylvia@not.at.this.address> wrote:
It is a violation of federal law to return a 'returned' item to stockOnly if Home Depot are misrepresenting returns goods as being new.
if the item has been opened, tampered with, or could have been
alterened in any way by the party returning it. This provision is
often ignored by many stores. This provision is always ignored by HD,
and a couple of other stores that will remain unnamed! <bg>
Or, we can hope that that 'new' one he bought was the same broken oneBut what the previous poster is proposing is of course fraud. If he's
doing it, one day he may get caught and prosecuted.
he returned six weeks ago!