Cursitor Doom
On Fri, 31 Dec 2021 10:01:45 -0800 (PST), Rich S
<richsulinengineer@gmail.com> wrote:
I have several thousands of all sorts of transistors \'in stock\' here
and have been rummaging through them all today trying to find a
matched pair of complimentary BJTs for the eventual power stage. Guess
how many pairs I found? None! A few dozen matched pairs, but *all*
totally unsuitable for one reason or another. I was totally certain
I\'d have several to choose from at the end of my hunt but it was not
to be.
What I *did* come across during the rummage, however, was a decent
selection of NOS TDA series chips. I\'m getting evil thoughts about
cheating now. Sigh...
<richsulinengineer@gmail.com> wrote:
On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 1:07:02 PM UTC, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Thu, 30 Dec 2021 18:19:27 -0800 (PST), Rich S
richsuli...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 8:17:58 PM UTC, Cursitor Doom wrote:
When talking about common-emitter configuration BJT stages, is it
feasible to get a voltage gain of 400 in one stage or would it be better
to cascade two stages of 20? I\'d really prefer to use just one stage if
it can be done with stability. The input signal will be up to 20mV p-p
and supply voltage 12V.
Hi CD,
If it were me, I\'d grab a National Semiconducor
Linear Applications handbook, look at AN-222.
While its main topic is using the LM394, the
FIGURE 4 is fairly relevant to your project.
For the low-noise NPN, the AoE has table
with many to choose from.
cheers, RS
I will; many thanks.
More details (for those who need it)
AN222 may be tricky for some people
to find.
page 435 (p. 460th in pdf)
my point is, it\'s a \"2\" transistor low-noise
pre-amplifier. The LM394 could just as
well be any other low-noise NPN (or
multiple matched units in parallel).
in lieu of LM394 , many choices are given
in Horowitz&Hill Art of Electronics, in table
of \"low noise BJT transistors\"
cheers, RS
I have several thousands of all sorts of transistors \'in stock\' here
and have been rummaging through them all today trying to find a
matched pair of complimentary BJTs for the eventual power stage. Guess
how many pairs I found? None! A few dozen matched pairs, but *all*
totally unsuitable for one reason or another. I was totally certain
I\'d have several to choose from at the end of my hunt but it was not
to be.
What I *did* come across during the rummage, however, was a decent
selection of NOS TDA series chips. I\'m getting evil thoughts about
cheating now. Sigh...