Ross Mac
"Keith R. Williams" <krw@attglobal.net> wrote in message
dry in Florida often!!
Calif......I think Mike is enjoying the cool weather for it is not cool orIn article <3FB5A01A.8FD2D8A5@earthlink.net>,
mike.terrell@earthlink.net says...
"Keith R. Williams" wrote:
In article <i%btb.257778$0v4.17368653@bgtnsc04-
news.ops.worldnet.att.net>, macroeng@example.invalid says...
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
Ross Mac wrote:
Ah yes, the pico fuse....I sat in engineering more than once
when the
maintenance people would come in looking for a zero ohm
resistor....hehehe...we always got a chuckle out of that one!
You mean you've never used a zero ohm resistor? they are very
for bypassing an unused attenuator on a surface mount PC board.
they come in 5% and 1% versions ;-)
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Not too many that looked like pico fuses!
I do remember seeing zero ohm resistors or jumpers used on single
boards. I think they did that so they could auto insert the part.
I've seen them used for configuration ties too. ...same reason
wires aren't used, with the addition that they look like they're
needed for operation (harder to circumvent the design).
snipped the yucky Florida stuff - though we had snow last night
It was 39 degrees in Ocala this morning. Not quite cold enough to
snow, but it felt great!
That's getting down there for Florida in November. It was 23F
this morning and 36F now at 3:20PM. That should be about the
high, since the sun will be setting in about an hour. :-(
We hit a high of 55 today....soggy and drippy up here in the Santa Cruz Mts.
dry in Florida often!!